Dinner part 2

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Angel pov

Oh my god I can't believe I just broke a rule... Luke didn't move after a while but when he did he uncuffed me,
"bend over and put your palms on the bed." I slowly bent down avoiding eye contact. He asked, "do you know why you're being punished?"

"Yes sir..", I mumbled softly. "Good. Now, I'm going to give you 5 licks since it's your first time. Remember, your safe word is purple. Count for me baby girl and thank me after for every paddle if you mess up we start over."

I felt something rub across my bum and for a split second it was gone before I felt a stinging sensation. "One. Thank you sir."


"Two. Thank you sir."

-Three licks later-

"Good girl. Now, lay on your stomach on the bed I'll be back with some cream."
There were footsteps and then the door closed behind him.

It felt like forever that he was gone. I got impatient and was about to get up when I finally heard the door creak.

"Sir?" I whimpered out.

"Not even close."

I sucked in a breath sharply. No this can't be happening right now.

"SIR!!" I called out before suddenly being yanked off the bed by my hair.

"Shut up slut or I'll do the same to you as I did to your little boyfriend."

No. He couldn't.... I whimpered and received a harsh slap to the face.

"You like that? Huh? Is that what you want you whore?" I struggled to get out of his grasp while fighting off tears but he pushed my head down and kneed me in the face.

"Jesse.. not again please.."
Sobs escaped my mouth when my body hit the ground mixing tears with the blood from my running nose.
"Angel. Shshshsh it's okay baby its just a nightmare."

I whimpered when Luke wiped away my tears.
When I opened my eyes I realized that we were laying his bed.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked moving a strand of hair out of my face. Instead I didn't respond and snuggled into his chest.

I just laid there in silence while he comforted me and played with my hair.

After about 20 minutes he looked down at my face and wiped a tear from my eye, "You hungry? Dinners ready." He said tenderly.

"Yes sir." I mumbled into his chest.
"Alright but first bend over my lap sweetie." When I did he grabbed a bottle of cream and pulled my skirt up. He then started rubbing the cream in small circles on my bum.

"Better?" Luke asked pulling down my skirt.
"Mhm thank you sir." He set me on his bed and walked to his closet.

"These might not fit you but you can try them on. I had Marcus my mom's butler pick up a few things earlier for you since I gave Jason the rest of the day off."

Luke handed me a pair of jeans and a tight fitting white long sleeve shirt. "Thank you sir"

"Don't thank me baby girl." He said and I hugged him tightly inhaling his cologne. God he smells so good. With that I headed off to the bathroom to change my clothes.


Luke pov

As soon as she was in the bathroom I made my way back downstairs where mom had set the table and was currently sitting.

"I thought you'd never come." She chuckled.
"Angel had a nightmare." I mumbled keeping my eyes down.
"Oh I'm sorry dear." Mom stood up and pulled out a chair for me as I neared the table.

Just as I sat down, Angel came down the stairs and I stood up and pulled her chair out for her only sitting down after her.

"You okay dear?" Angel looked up at my mom,
"Yes ma'am thank you."

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