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Chicken, all spiced and sizzling, is the best thing in the whole wide world.

No wait, or is it fried egg, with the yolk all soft and wet enveloped by the white, crisp on the outside..?

Or is it sausages with cheeze oozing out of their centres? All nice and browning and filling the air with their aroma?

No wait... a whole tub of chocolate mint ice cream... with actual chocolate pieces that have mint in their centres!!!

Oh... what about a bowl of steaming hot chicken slice soup noodles at 8 in the morning? Together with a cup of coffee, freshly drawn and mixed up with condensed milk?!

No... it's pancakes. And bacon. And SCRAMBLED EGGS! And toast!!!

Oh chaebai (please)... I am so hungryyyyyyy!!!

I glance at my watch on the floor, the same place where I left it last night.


It's only 4 in the morning... Eomma (Mother) isn't up yet.

Breakfast isn't ready.



Living with a stomach like this isn't easy.

You wake up at 4 for food and you must sleep before 12 to avoid getting hungry. If you stay up till 3, you must have at least 2 suppers.

And if there is no food when you are hungry... aishhhhh...

You will either suffer in silence or kick yourself out of bed to go to the convienience store.

For ramyun (instant noodles).

Which for today is the best thing in the world.

In the 4-in-the-morning world of today.

Aishhhhhh it's so colddddd!


I stumble hurriedly into the warmth of the convenience store.

"Good morning Seung Wook ya~!"

"Good morning Ahjumma (Auntie)!" I call back, already heading for the familiar display situated at the back shelf.

"Ah! Seung Wook ya... the deliveryman hasn't come yet!!!"

I hear those fateful words just as I reach my favourite section of the shelf.

Usually, such words would not matter.

Of course, those words matter today because this particular section is currently empty.

I disheartedly trudge back to the front of the shop...

Ahjumma looks at me pityingly, "We have bread you know... bread?" gesturing at the heater beside her.

I just stand there and look at her. Anticlimactic, I know. But I decided on ramyun today. And there is no ramyun.

Aishhh I am so hungryyyyyyy.... and I want ramyunnnnn...

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