Hakuryu Changes!

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He starts kissing me and I can't move nor speak for defiance.  I feel odd as if what he said was my thoughts.  IM SO CONFUSED ABOUT THIS!! I think in my head. Just then I realize Jokaiya has been missing for two days!  Jokaiya walks in and pulls Hakuryu away from me as if he could read my thought.  Hakuryu puts his head down in shame for as otherwise he would be punished.  "I thought I told you to get along Hakuryu!"  " I CANT HELP BUT THINK ABOUT HER ALL NIGHT AND DAY AND WANT TO KISS HER LIPS SO!"  Then I do something stupid and kiss Hakuryu and blush and Jokaiya walks out.  Jokaiya and Hakuryu both walk away and I go back to the girls as they stare in shock.  They ask what happened.  "What happened in there Mitskuni?" Grace asked.  "I would rather not explain girls ok. I'll tell you when we get home."
*************************************The next day I knew I had to explain so I gathered the girls and me at the park and I told them everything except for me kissing Hakuryu back. They both screamed in excitement and shouted," MITSKUNI FINALLY LIKES SOMEONE ,YAS!!!!!!!!!!"

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