Is This The End?!?

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On an exciting day I finally found a place that I could afford for quite a while without a job.  I feel as if to see Hakuryu to talk about the other day but he wasn't home.  All who was there was Jokaiya.  So I asked him where he was. "Where is Hakuryu?"  "I can't tell you."  "Why not?!?"  Jokaiya replied with simply a grunt and I got mad,"JUST TELL ME!!!"  He got quite mad at me after that.  So I simply walked away until the next day when I called Hakuryu and he told me the whole skeme of Jokaiya and that however my grandmother and him are friends, she didn't hire him.  He also told me he was hired to like me.  I started to cry and cry.   The pain was unbearable. So I hung up and vowed to never call him back!
The next day my friends were in their rooms laughing their hearts out. "Why are you laughing so hard?"  "THAT WAS US WHO ANSWERED FOR HAKURYU AND YOU BELIVED IT!" Grace spoke to add on," WE ALSO PAID JOKAIYA TO DO THAT TO HAKURYU!"  They laughed more and I slapped them but then I realized my friends were still asleep.  Those weren't my friends.  They were criminals!

Until Part  6

Friends ^-^

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