"Your eyes have so much depth to them"

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They say eyes are the windows to the soul. If the saying holds true, I'll never truly be able to describe just how beautiful her soul is. The simplest way to describe her eyes would be just be calling them brown. In reality, they are so much more than that. They're more shades of brown than I've been able to count. All these shades blend together and swirl around her pupil to create a gorgeous iris that does the name "iris" honor. You see, the iris of the eye is named after the Greek goddess Iris, who was the goddess of the sky and the personification of the rainbow. Most people have eyes that are just one color or a few bland colors that are devoid of life. Her eyes have entire worlds hidden inside of them and I've yet to explore even half of them. I've looked into them before and have been left absolutely speechless. The first time I looked into them, I almost burned down a campground. Trust me, they're that beautiful. I never thought I could get lost in something so small. Each time I look in them, the rest of the world melts away and is replaced by the world that is hidden inside of her. That world is warmer than ours, more comforting. Like I said earlier, I have that nervous stutter but her eyes make it hard to stutter because of the world that I get lost in when she looks my way.

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