Ch6: Sir Cottoncandy

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Third Person POV:

It's been three hours since Eris, Hawk, Meliodas and Elizabeth had arrived at the Forest of White Dreams.

The forest itself was blanketed in a thick layer of opaque fog. The fog gave the barren forest an eerie vibe, one riddled with an air of uncertainty and hopelessness.

Three members of the group walk side by side, in front of the fourth member who marvels at the somewhat pleasant eeriness that the forest provides. She breathes in the earthly smells of the forest, 'smells just like home.....'

The violet haired girl was abruptly snapped out of her daze by the ham of the group's whining. "Hey Meliodas are you sure about this? We've been at this for three hours and there's been no sign of any animals, much less any humans!"

The mint haired girl becomes visibly doubtful, shoulder's slumping in mild defeat. "You're right Hawk....Sir Meliodas are you sure we'll find a member of the Eight Deadly Sins here?" she asks nervously.

The golden eyed girl chuckles in amusement as the blonde replies almost uncaringly, "Probably."

Hawk cranes his head around at the blonde in disbelief. "You mean that we came here without any solid evidence!" the ham squeals angrily before shivering in thought, "I heard that there's a terrifying monster here that's always watching and watching."

As Eris trails behind the trio, she watches on as Elizabeth squeals in shock as the blonde captain gropes her butt. A slight scowl forms on the purple haired girl's face as a flash of white hot anger courses through her veins, but she couldn't fathom why.

She takes a deep breath to try dismiss her anger, ignoring the conversations between her comrades until the number of Hawk's miraculously quadruple!

She stares at the intruders intently, thinking back to the first time she entered this forest, a good 30 years ago. As all the Hawk's jump and jitter around, the girl's golden orbs glisten in both humour and remembrance.

'Hide and Seeks'

Despite her knowledge of the creatures, she remains silent and watches as the Hide and Seeks morph into Elizabeth. Eris sighs in annoyance but keeps her face blank as she meanders to the base of a leafless tree and ungracefully slides down the bark.

The other's don't even recognise her lack of presence, allowing the former assassin to wallow in her poisonous thoughts. Sometimes Eris wondered if Meliodas would even miss her if she wasn't here or if he would even look for her. She may have a flirty and confident persona, but naturally being an assassin for so long becomes lonely. Her self doubts about trying to find the other sins almost seem in vain, but no matter how childish it seems she really just wanted the company of her fellow Sins.  Her thoughts drift to Meliodas briefly, slightly angry at the way the two of them had left things so abruptly-

Her train of thought is severed as the hide and seek's reveal their true form as they rush away. Her heart pangs in disappointment as she realises that the other's have rushed off after them, without as much as sending her a fleeting glance.

She hauls herself up and grudgingly trails some distance behind her comrades as a very familiar large brunette girl begins to wake up.

Eris retreats back into her shell, throwing her hood up and seemingly disappears into thin air, not about to be rejected or forgotten by another 'comrade' so soon.

But then again it was almost too easy, because nobody noticed her trailing behind the group in the first place.

The Hide and Seek's warily wake the sleeping giant to notify her of her already intruding intruders. "Lady Diane! Lady Diane!" The giant's eyes abruptly snap open revealing intense violet orbs.

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