Chapter 8 - Hard Lessons

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A week later…

“Adolpha? Can I see you privately after lessons?” Lois asked. Adolpha nodded.

They walked along the school corridors. “Adolpha? Are you happy here in your new school?” Lois asked after a while. Adolpha nodded. “You don’t seem happy.” Lois observed, peering at her face.  It was true. Dark circles traced the bottom of Adolpha’s eyelids, making her look like a sleepy panda.

“No! I mean, um, no, Miss Lois. I’m fine. Really.” She smiled widely, fighting the urge to yawn. “I just, er, haven’t been sleeping well lately. I guess I’m not used to the school’s timetable.”

“Okay, Adolpha. If you’re sure you’re fine….” Ms Lois smiled and walked away.

That night, Adolpha confided in her new friends. The six of them crowded around her bed to hear her story; Crystal, Pearlyn, Sherry, Natasha, Helen and Rose.

“I keep thinking that someone’s watching me, every single move I make,” she said. “Of course, there are security cameras everywhere.” Crystal snorted. Nat nodded. “Yeah, this place is so 1984.”

“Not that! I mean, not like cameras, more like someone watching me. A person.” Adolpha bit her lip. She didn’t expect this kind of reaction from her friends.

“Adolpha, you’re just wasting our time with your nonsense. Lights out in ten!” Crystal walked back to her bunk and tucked herself in.

“Ignore her, Adol. She’s just jealous that you defeated her in combat fighting.” Sherry patted Adolpha’s knee. “Yeah, before you came, Crys was the best. I mean the best. Like, no one could defeat her. Until you came.” Pearlyn chimed in. “Ooh, remember that shiny diamond necklace she got for best in combat fighting from her dad, the principal? I was so jealous. She’s so lucky to have a dad.” Rose clapped her hands.

Helen just smiled. Adolpha had fought really well today. Her mind went back to their fight…

“I hope you’re prepared to lose, Adolpha.” Helen put her hand on Adolpha’s shoulder in a friendly gesture and winked.

Adolpha smiled and tugged at the socks. She wasn’t used to the school’s fighting gear.

“I’ll go wait outside. Take your time; you’re after Crystal’s fight with me. Though don’t take too long...” Helen strolled out the door as Natasha walked in.

Sitting on the bench, Natasha laughed, “Helen’s not joking about the ‘too long’. Crystal might be the school’s all-round fighting champ, but Helen is the “free fight” and knife fight champion. If everything goes according to 99.99% of the time, their fight won’t be more than….” Natasha looked at her watch coolly, “50 more seconds.”

Adolpha peeked out of the locker room to see Helen sitting on Crystal, holding her stiletto knife on her back. “Time to go champ! Do us proud.” Natasha dragged Adolpha out of the locker room and gestured to Miss Lois, who returned a nod.

“88 seconds” Ms Lois smiled at Helen as she hopped off Crystal daintily and offered her a hand. Crystal looked at her, eyes like daggers, and ungraciously pushed herself up and marched back to her seat, muttering under her breath. Miss Lois picked up the bronze knuckle irons Crystal had left on the fighting mat and looked at her list. “Okay, the next contender is… Adolpha. Don’t worry; I know it’s your first free fight. You have to last the fight as long as possible or win in the shortest time. Go and select your weapon of choice.” Miss Lois smiled and turned to Helen. “Good job as usual. I assume you want to hang on to your knife?” Helen twirled the thin, deadly sharp stiletto and did a bridge and backward roll to stretch.

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