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Q: Hello, Mel, How are you today?

A: Excellent. I've just written the third from last chapter of The Numbered (previously known as Flawed) and for once, I'm feeling happy about the direction I'm going. Although it has taken blood, sweat and tears to write it.

Q: When did you start writing?

A: At the ripe old age of 38, three months after having joined Wattpad. I'm a late starter.

Q: What are your writers best practices?

A:  If I gave any other answer I'd be lying, so I guess my best practice to date is my ability to fly by the seat of my pants and having a good memory (sometimes). I have a grand plan and have always known some of the key milestones of my book and the last few paragraphs, but other than that it has been a wild and frantic rollercoaster ride.

Q: When and in what setting do you write best?

A: I mostly write very late at night and in complete silence. The slightest background noise and I can't concentrate. I prefer to sit in my armchair, slightly reclined, with a HUGE mug of tea and several (read packet) of chocolate biscuits by my side.

Q: Is there anything in particular you find difficult to write about?

A: Transitional scenes, where you move from one scene to another. I find myself often getting 'stuck' in one place and it's like I can't get my characters to move on.

Q: What piece of advice has been most helpful to you since you started writing?

A: My Wattpad buddy, @SomewhatDistracted is frequently giving me great advice, but I guess the best piece of wisdom I've been given is quite simply, write, write anything, just write.

Q: What do you enjoy more - writing or having written?

A: I love those first few hours after you complete a chapter. I get this warm, content feeling. When I'm writing it's like having an itch that I can't scratch.

Q: What genre would you write in, if it wasn't SciFi?

A: Paranormal, general, thriller. I have a number of stories waiting to be written in each of those. I don't really see myself as a Sci Fi writer, more as a writer currently writing Sci Fi, but my favourite genre is totally Sci Fi. I've been obsessed with Sci Fi, particularly post-apocalyptic stuff since I was a kid.

Q: What three genres do you read the most?

A:  Sci Fi, paranormal and travel writing.

Q: Is there any book you would love to read that hasn't been written yet?

A: My great, great grandfather and his brother were lifeboatmen and one epic rescue in very bad seas, they saved the lives of a fishing boat, but sadly perished themselves. One day, when I am a much better writer, that's the story I'd like to tell.

Q: What book could you not put down under any circumstances?

A: Pretty much every book I read. If I start reading, I can't stop, I refuse to stop, even if I find I can't stand the book, I have to finish it.

Q: What inspired you to write your book on Wattpad?

A: The Numbered is a story which had been developing in my head ever since my first child was born. I couldn't believe how my son was measured, graded and recorded from the minute he took his first breath. One day he was too low in weight, the next too heavy. His head circumference was too big, his hearing was ... All these measurements, all apparently necessary and to a first time mum, terrifying. As a teacher I am also guilty of constantly grading and assessing students. One day I just thought, what if ...?

Q:  Can you describe it in three words?

A:  Gritty, gripping and plausible.

Q: Which character if the total fan favourite and why?

A: Tucker, because he brings a lightness to the story with his eternal optimism and refusal to be broken.

Q: What is your Favourite thing about being active on Wattpad?

A Making life-long friends, particularly the guys in The Wattpad Retirement Home (you know who you are). Amazing group of people.

Q: If you could mention only one undiscovered gem of a story on Wattpad, which would it be?

A: I have read so many brilliant books by brilliant authors, but the one I would implore readers to go check out is by @Chris_Burke . He is a phenomenal writer of the epic Sci Fi series, The Boxer Saga, with the first three books, Sand, Rain and Pray all up on Wattpad already. Please go take a look, but be warned these are not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.

Q: How do you work on your writing style and how do you develop it?

A: My biggest problem is grammar and punctuation. I am a product of the 80s educational establishment in the UK, were this stuff was barely even mentioned. I have had to go back to very basic English language textbooks to teach myself from scratch and STILL I struggle. My dear friend @SomewhatDistracted often gets messages from me questioning where I should put ? and ' etc.

My writing style has just developed naturally over the last three years. As I am writing, I can often now 'feel' when something isn't right or I have made a mistake. I'm really looking forward to finishing The Numbered so I can work on other stories to develop further.

Q: Is coming up with a title a difficult task?

A: Ooh this is a bit of a sore point for me at the moment. Coming up with the title I find easy. What's not so easy, is having to change the title of a story you've been working on for the last three years because you find out a popular author is about to publish a book of a similar story with the same name.

Q: What has been your favourite part of any of your projects to write?

A: Writing the birth scene in The Numbered in Chapter One was a blast. Having had two children myself, I threw in loads of my own experiences and a few things I would have hated to have had happened. Fortunately my midwife was an angel and made the whole process so much easier.

I actually love writing The Path. It's set where I originally come from and is dedicated to my Grandparents. Whenever I write it, it gives me a warm, cosy, familiar feeling. Can't wait to get back to it once The Numbered is finished.

Q: Where are you from?

A: I'm originally from Norwich, Norfolk, which is in East Anglia (the large bump on the right hand side of the UK). I came to Sheffield, many years ago for university, met my husband,  had a family and never left. I am a keen Norwich City FC fan :)  

Q: Did you ever feel like writing wasn't for you and wanted to stop?

A: All the time. I am not one of the those people who writes everyday. My job and children just won't allow it. I write when the words are in my head. If they aren't there, I don't write. This happens often and I can go days, weeks without a word and then bang out 2000 words in a couple of hours. In my non-wordy moments, where I console myself with box-sets, I frequently think that I won't write again. However I am convinced that my subconscious is always writing, it just doesn't like to share very often with me.

Q: What was your hardest chapter to write and why?

A: Easy. Chapter 64. I hadn't written properly for a couple of months. I just had nothing in me. I spent hours and hours on that chapter and it just never really came together. So I just had to post it. It's not my finest writing, but it was a necessary evil. Like constipation, I guess. I just had to remove the blockage lol. Chapter 65 came mush easier and I'm having a blast writing the last couple of chapters and epilogue.

Q: How can you start a story well so that it pulls the reader in and keeps them hooked till the end?

A: Show them a glimpse of the heart of the story, be it something terrifying, shocking, heart breaking or ... Make them need to know what happens. And don't under any circumstances ever have the main character describe how beautiful she is or use the ringing of an alarm clock to begin a story.  

Thanks for the interview. Enjoyed it :)

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