The Explanation

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Debra and David made themselves at home in the little cottage and unpacked their suit cases stowing away their precious cargo in the antique furniture provided for them. David had some ideas about the house that he was to build when they got back to Australia. He took out his writing pad and wrote them down gleaning inspiration from the house that he was staying in. This house that David planned to build had to be perfect for Debra and himself, not to mention for any more additions to the family one day. And why shouldn't it be? After all, he was the builder.

The queen sized bed was comfortable and the rooms were lit. It was just a small cottage really, but somehow had a spacious feel about it. It wasn't cluttered with unnecessary junk and that made the place look tidy. The walls and ceiling were white and the lights had miniature stained glass shades. The reading lamp matched the delicate shades and looked lovely against the stained polished wooden table, chairs and coffee table. The kitchen was of the same polished wood.

Outside were garden lights to light up the path that led up to the main house. There were also lights that shone through the row of flowers that were growing along the front of the veranda. A coach lamp hung above the front door of the cottage lighting up the door to make it easy to find the key at night time if anyone went out and had to use the key to go back in again. So homely!

Miriam was happily cooking in the kitchen of the main house when David and Debra came back in. The house smelt lovely with cooking smells. She was cooking a lamb roast for dinner thinking that nothing much could be wrong with that. Joel was in the garage locking up for the night. He was confident that David and Debra would have done enough travelling for the day. Besides, it was a little chilly out there and he had to watch that he didn't get a chill and end up in bed with pneumonia like he did last year.

It was nice to be in a house again after living out of a suitcase on the ship. David and Debra tucked into the beautiful home made meal they were served. "Mmm, there's nothing quite like it is there?" said David almost as if he had never had a good feed before. They all laughed at his comment but at the same time knew that what he said was just so true. Miriam felt happy about that reaction and satisfied that she had done an excellent job. Next was the chocolate self saucing pudding that she had made from scratch. This pudding was luscious with a smooth sauce which ran down the sides of the pudding like lava running down the sides of a volcano, topped with a big dollop of thickened cream. No one could refuse to accept that. Later on the four of them went to the lounge and had coffee in front of the open fire and talked.

"Miriam, " began Debra, "I realise that all countries have their problems with other nations trying to take over and that they fight to protect themselves, but it seems to me that Israel has always been fighting. Every time I have looked at the TV or read the newspaper I see Israel in the headlines. Why is that? Surely they are not that blood thirsty. "
Joel chimed in." When much is given you, much is expected of you. "

" What do you mean Joel?" asked Debra inquisitively. Her gaze darting back and forth at Miriam, hoping to find some clarity in Joel's response.

" Suppose we begin at the beginning. Debra, do you believe in God?" was Miriam's question to Debra.

" Of course I do. I attended church a few times and Anna and Arvi would mention his name from time to time but what does God have to do with it? "

" Everything" said Miriam. " Ever since time began God wanted people to call by His name. People who would be faithful to Him and God just wanted to show the world what it would be like to have Him provide and look after people who would worship Him alone. It really is as simple as that. "

"Then who did God choose? "

"Israel" was the response. Miriam was waiting to hear Debra's reaction. Debra knew that she was from Israel but no one had ever told her what the Bible said on this topic.

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