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Tim went to the other side of the building, climb the ladder, grabbed the metal sheet, then jumped down. He went to his motor bike then drove off with the metal sheet clipped at the back seat of his bike.

He dropped off at a house far off the city which, if you didn't look for it, you can't see the house.

He entered the house and a strange, metallic dog went beside him and barked.

"Hey, Pod."

Tim went straight to the back where his working shed is located. He grinded a piece of metal into a circle, placed it on top of a cylinder, forged them together, and then filled it with wood chips.

"Look, Pod, now we have a homemade stove. Now we can cook your favorite screws," he said as he placed a pan on the grill, which was a centimeter higher than the cylinder.

He placed screws on the pan which, in no time, melted. He poured the molten metal into a bone-shaped mold. The dog quickly went to it and started to drink it.Tim also made his meal, egg and broccoli.

After eating, he washes the dishes, and starts to make another invention.

"Hmmm... how about this bolt towards this part to clasp them together... that would make electicity flow due to the prescence of metal here... hmm.. yeah. Seems about right..."
As an inventor and student, Tim almost never had a time off. The only time he does, is when he sleeps. He goes to school in the morning, then during the afternoon, he would gather up materials for his projects, even though he had no money. At night he does his homework and his projects. The only reason why he ever went to school is to know more about technology and how energy works. This is what he loves and wants to do.

"Pod, what do you think? This corner, or this wall?"

The dog quickly ran to the corner, walking in a circle, then lying down.

"Ok, then. The corner it is."

He began measuring the corner, placing markings to identify its borders, then started to work.

The next project was unknown to him, since only then he truly has plans when he starts to work on it.

A metal rod started his project. He placed the rod on the fire as it becomes more mendable for him to work on. The rod became red hot then he made it into a semi-circle. Then, dipped it in a pot of oil to cool it down. He made 4 of that, and thought of a plan.

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