The Enjoyment Of Gym

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You know people say that everyone has a talent? Some people are sporty. Some people can draw. Some people can sing. Yeah, I'm not any of those people. Especially not sporty. I hate anything to do with physical activity, so when I found out that I have gym three times a week, I was not very happy. My idea of a satisfying last year didn't involve doing more exercise than I've ever done in a month.

"I hate gym," I whined to Lexie as we walked down the halls towards the locker rooms after the bell rang.

"Doesn't everyone?" she commented, taking her bag off her shoulder and throwing it across the locker room at a vacant space. Although, most of them were empty anyway.

None of the other girls in my year showed up at all which was very odd. Nonetheless, once we were fully changed into Ontario's gym requirements consisting of navy blue shorts, a polo top and trainers of our choice, we headed towards the sports hall to meet our teacher for the year.

But we weren't very happy to see that we were literally the only girls in our class. The rest were boys and even the teacher was a man. I looked at Lexie in a what-the-hell look and she returned the expression.

"Girls, there you are! Take a seat, I'm just going through the course for this year," he said in a relieved voice, sending us a gesture by waving his hand, telling us to sit. I quickly sat next to a random blonde haired guy and Lexie followed.

"I'm Mr Barlow. So as I was saying, not all of you will become athletes in the future. Not all of you are fit enough to do that, but it is mandatory that you do this subject. Not only is it vital for your health but-" I wasn't even listening to what he was saying but when he stopped talking all heads turned to me. It wasn't actually me who they were looking at though. I turned my head to the right to see my best friend's hand raised so high that I'm surprised she hadn't touched the ceiling. Yet.

"Yes Miss?" Mr Barlow looked straight at Lexie who didn't even flinch at the eye contact.

"Why are we the only girls here?" Lexie's voice came out as a whine and Mr Barlow didn't look very happy.

But he didn't change the tone of his voice; it just remained in the usual monotone manner that teachers use to address their students, "Because your timetables are adjusted this way, there's no other time slot that you can take this subject in."

And to make matters worse, even though it was the first lesson back from the summer, Mr Barlow wanted us to run five laps around the field. That in itself made my want to kill myself.


So he was in this class too? Really? That's just great.

"Tyler," I looked up to see that he'd come to stand beside me as I got in my starting position to run. "How many times have I told you to not-"

"GO!" I heard Mr Barlow shout and then everything after that was a blur because everyone had started running. Tyler was still next to me though.

"Why aren't you running?" I raised my eyebrows up at him.

"I already did."

"No, you d-"

"What are you doing just standing here? Run!" Mr Barlow shouted and my legs quickly took off. I was running so fast that I didn't notice that I had overtook the class. I couldn't even feel my legs anymore. I was just about to finish the last lap when I tripped and fell on my front. My bare legs were cut open and there was blood. A lot of blood, seeping through my wounds.

"Alyssa!" Tyler was in front of me in less than a second and he helped me onto my feet. Again, I didn't know why but a surge of electricity raced through me and it felt like lightning bolts were travelling through my veins.

"Are you alright Miss Carter?" Mr Barlow bent down to examine my cuts.

"You're bleeding.." Tyler said. I couldn't even reply before he walked away, quicker than I thought was possible.

That was when my curiousness began. I shouldn't have talked to Tyler at all. I shouldn't have ended up getting along with him. Do I regret it? No. Because otherwise I wouldn't have found out about certain things. And it does make me feel special knowing that only few people know about these things.

"I'm fine," I mumbled to the teacher, not being able to think why Tyler would come to help me and then leave randomly.

"You need to go see the nurse. Your friend can take you."

The nurse's office smelt like a hospital and I absolutely hate the smell of hospitals. I hardly ever have to go to the nurse's office or the hospital so I still had a hard time trying to cope with the weird smell and feeling that you get. Luckily, no-one was in there so it didn't take long for the nurse to place a couple of plasters over my soon to be bruises.

The rest of the morning passed by in a blur and it was soon lunch. I mentally did a happy dance knowing that it was already halfway through the day and then I could go home, have a nice bath and try not to think about Tyler and his weirdness.

"Matt, can I borrow your locker key again?" I asked him, my nervousness of liking him taking complete control over me.

"Sure," he handed me over his key and our hands brushed past each other. I had to stop myself from getting butterflies that were roaming around in my tummy but it wasn't really working.

As soon as I opened the locker, I noticed a familiar bag with a note stuck on the top. It was written in the most neatest cursive handwriting I had ever seen. It read:


I forgot to give these to you yesterday.


P.S. You'll find your locker key in the bag.

I opened the bag up to find the donuts that he had brought me yesterday and sure enough my locker key was in the bag too. I couldn't get over my happiness when I opened my locker and shoved all my unnecessary books in. Today was definitely a good day.


So this is probably crap but here you go! Also, the song on the right is the bestttttttttt and by the bessssttttttt personn eveeer! I'm still undecided on who's gonna play Tyler. D:

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