Before I get complaints, the beguinning of the first paragraph start off sounding abit like AmyScence's book Biteing Jasper.
There is no Copyright intended, allr ight of the beguinning of this paragraph belongs to AmyScence.
Also, This book will contain sexual refrences between two guys/men. If you dont like it then please don't read it. If you dont like books with Homosexual love in, Don't read BoyxBoy books!
One last thing, I am Dyslexic, so therefore please accept my apologies if i have a unbeliveable about of spelling mitakes.
The darkness that contemplates each of our human minds. We observe the night as a time of fear and terror. Behind the dark, hollow tree's another secret lies, where the growl of a werewolf lies along with the gloomy eyes that will torture you untill your heart bleeds through insanity.
Most of the time, no one knows what lies behind that musky forest but every now and then, you will hear another tragic story about how another hiker just dissapeared, but I dont belive in all of that crap, I belive that they were walking down the long and whinding road through the centre of the forest untill they saw or heard the russleing of the trees and bushs. Then a great pair of orange glowing eyes just has the power to lure you in and overtake your mind, and within the first attempt tears you to peices.
But what happens if these creatures are far to underestimated, what if they exceed our understanding, and what if there is no scientific evidence that these creatures even exsist?
A creature so powerfull, dangerous and feirce that it kills thousands of people every year and yet no one suspects it and it manages to remain hidden within the shaddows. Hiding within human society.
"Goodmorning students", Miss Prior said as she walked through the door to the classroom.
She walked quickly over to her desk and placed her handbag underneeth and began to take the register. Once she had finished she then began to clear her throte, "Today we have a new student joining our school, but more importantly he is joining our class".
the sound of the students muttering and whispering went around the room and then came to a dead silence. We rarely have a new student in our school, let alone our classroom.
They would be treated like Jesus crist himself for the first few weeks and then after that it would be as if they never existed.
It was only a small town so that basicly explains why not may new people joined, but however it was the only school in the area.
The new guy walked in, and my heart skipped a few beats. But them few beats felt like forever. Such perfection in his smooth sound walk, the kind of walk any guy would dream about having.
His face looked as smooth as a babys bottom, with his plae white skin. I should explain, ever since i was young i have had this thing for guys with pale white skin. And then i saw his eyes. Oh his eyes, don't even get me started..! His ocean blue eyes glinted like rays of moonlight.
And im not even going to try to explain his smile... All I can say is perfection.
All the girls giggled as he skimmed the class with his glinting eyes but supprisingly they stopped on me, they searched my soul, then he smiled at me and i turned bright red. Then his eyes kept looking around, as he turned i let out a little squeal. It's like my life has been replaced with the clouds from heaven.

A Bite From Skylar (BoyxBoy)
Storie d'amoreWhen a 17 year old boy named Jakib Emiele moved to a small town just on the outskirts of Arizona, he joins a school. Hes Gay and he has a mega crush on another guy called Skylar. Skylar is also gay, But hes also hiding a big secret... Hes a vampire...