You can stay here

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~ Ashley's pov ~

I woke up and I looked next to me. A shirtless Harry who layed next to me in a bed. I remember everything from last night I just have an headache. I took my phone and looked at the hour it was 8am. Oh shit.

I woke up Harry and he just turned around. "What do you want?" He said in his husky morning voice. "Harry I need to leave, my parents will be worried." I said I sounded very nervous kinda normal when you never go to a party without telling your parents. And don't forget I slept at some guy his house who I met two days ago. He finally got up and walked to his closet and took his clothes. He walked to the bathroom and I just sat there waiting he didn't even said somethings. Is he mad? What's wrong with him. He got out of the bathroom and he looked furious. "C'mon" he said. We walked out of the door and got into his car.

The drive to my house was silent. I turned up the radio to make it a little bit less akward but Harry turned the radio off. "What's up with you?" I asked him. "What's up with me? Haha I don't maybe ask yourself why you need to leave at 8am in the morning. You said you won't go to school for once. We could have a great day but no miss little girl has to be home." He yelled at me. "So it's all my fault?" Well sorry. You know what Lisa was right. You're so mean and dissrespectful. Now I know why everybody hates you." I yelled back I immediately regret what I said. I looked to him his face was pale no expression. His green eyes were now dark green."Get out." He said. I did what he said and got out.

My house was still some blocks away. It started raining. Great, just great. I finally got to my house and got my key out of my bag. I opened the door and saw my parents in the living room. Aren't they suppose to work?

My mum walked to me with furious eyes. "Where were you last night?" She asked. "I was at a party." I said like it was no big deal. "You're 16, you're underaged who de heck do you think you are?" My mom yelled at me. "I'm 16, a lot of people from my age go to parties even if it's illegaly. Who cares I'm young I deserve some freedom." I yelled back. I saw my dad looking at me with furious eyes too. But he never yells at me. It's always my mum who yells. "And what about school?" My mum said, she was a bit calmer now. "It's only one day I am not going, relax. If you school says something just tell them I am sick." I said walking to the stairs."Wait a minute." My mum said. "Wait?" I snapped at here. "If you think partying is more important than school, get out of the house come where you came from." She simply said. "No this is my home." I yelled and then she slapped me right in the face. She never did that. I could slap her back right now but I didn't. I ran upstairs and took my bag. I put some clothes and stuff in it. And ran downstairs again. I ran out of the house before they could stop me.

I really don't know where to go. Going to Lisa's house would be weird cause she lives next to me and my my parent's will definately think I am there. Maybe I could come to Harry's place.

I took out of my phone and tried to call him. He never picked up, it always when straight to voicemail. 'Hello this is Harry, I'm not avaible at the moment leave a message after the tune.' I knew his voicemail already.He's probably still mad at me.

I had nowhere to go so I decided to walk to his house since I know where he lives. The raining stopped for now. But I could see at the clouds it was going to rain again. The weather wants to cry just like me. I don't want to cry because I ran away no I just want to cry because of Harry. He was one of the only people I had here. I know I still have Lisa but Harry means more to me. I know him for 2 days but he means a lot to me. I'm falling from him and I'm falling hard.

~ Harry's pov ~

I was so pissed at Ashley. But I know my reaction was to harsh.

She tried to call me several times but I didn't wanted to hear her voice. I was stupid and I don't want to make her even more sad. I want to talk to her but I'm scared I'll lose her. I know her for 2 days but she means so much to me, I've never felt like what I feel for her to other girls. She's special, but I know she doesn't feel anything for me does she?

I got snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. Who could that be? I walked to the door and opened and there she stood a soaked Ashley because of all the rain I also saw tears in her eyes. I let her in and hugged her. Why was she crying? was it because of me? It couldn't be.

~ Ashley's pov ~

When I was at the door of Harry's place he stared at me. I finally let me in and he hugged me. Did he noticed the tears in my eyes?God, I don't want him to tell that I cry because of him. I don't want to sound lame.

People like him doesn't cry over somebody, I'm totally different to him and that's the problem I want to change but I fail everytime. I'm to brave for him. He wastes his time to a boring, innocent girl like me. "Sit." He basically demanded me. I did what I said and sat on the old cough, I must say his place isn't modern or cheap. I call it gross it's like he just sleep here and that's all. He sat next to me and he took my hands in his hands. "What's wrong?" He aksed me. I don't want to say that I don't like his behaviour towards me. Now I like him but sometimes he's the rudest person I've ever seen. " I got kicked out of my house and I have nowhere to stay." I said. I'm quite dissapointed for that but not really sad. "You can stay here." He said. That's the answer I wished for. I hope he stays nice like this and doesn't turn into an asshole again. "Thank you." I said and he nodded. He let go of my hands. "Eumh if you're hungry you can look into the kitchen act like you're home." He said looking right into my eyes. I knew I was staring at me. He stared to. I felt my cheecks getting red, I was blushing. He turned away, looking at the other direction. Honestly I would do the same. There's nothing to stare about me.

He left the room and got into the bathroom. Well somebody is moody today. I guess I'll do what he says 'act like you're at home'. After 20 minutes he got out of the bathroom. I was watching some tv. He sat next to me. Putting his arm around me.

"I'm going to get ready for a party, do want to come too?" He said. " I can't, I have school. It's only wednsday tomorrow." He nodded. He understands that he promised me, that skipping school or once wouldn't be that bad. "Can we go to a party Friday then?" He ask me. I don't want to make him dissapointed so I just nod. "Yes" he yelled and hugged me.

Partying seems to be his life. Maybe that's why he lives in a place like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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