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I'm not liking this whole Jacob thing one bit. I mean Jacob actually almost killed Daria. I mean we are his best friends. Chres thinks that since we are his friend we might be the key to turn his humanity back on I'm guessing. As I made my way to Chres and Ray's house my head started to get light headed. No no no...not again

Suddenly I see myself walking looks like we're in the middle of the looks like a ritual..I see Prince on the left side of some man and Jacob on the other side.

This can't be happening again...another sacrifice?

Then I see Daniel too....Also Daria but Daniel is comforting her.

She unconscious

What the hell is going on

"I'll do it." Daniel said looking back at Daria laying her on the floor

"Good" the man said "come on kids"

I look to see who he was talking to but before I could see...

Bam! I came back to reality realizing I was already in front of Ray and Chres house. These visions are a pain in the ass.


"Come on Chres join me for a drink!" I yelled form the mini bar.

I poured me my drink and poured some blood in it.

"I'm fine!" He yelled back.

I grab drink and took a sip.

I walked in the room where Jacob was tied to a chair. Chres was standing in front of him waiting for him to wake up.

"Brother that vegetarian stuff is not enough for when ever this big battle comes" I said

"It is for me" he said

We heard the door open and shut and there walked Kiera.

"Witch" I said to acknowledge her giving her a grimace

"Ooh Ray" Kiera laugh " as much I wanna snap your neck I'm not here to start any foolishness with you"

"Well whatever mumbo jumbo your about to do just do it quick my brother want his guy back" I said

Kiera turn to me giving a questionable. I just turned going out the room until I bumped into jasmine.

"Where the hell you've been?" I asked.

"I've been handling my ghost problem." She smiled "why?"

" know when your brother turned his humanity off?" I brought up

"Yea" she nodded folding her arms

"Well let's just say he's more like Prince with it off" I said

"What is that suppose to mean?" She furrowed her brows at me

"Dammit Jas your brother is a non stop killing machine with his humanity off" I said

She looked to the side and saw what condition her brother was in

"So you guys going to torture him" Jasmine said.

"Well Daniel doesn't have a problem with that" I rolled my eyes

"Why does Daniel have his say in it?" She grimace

"Well let's just say Jacob attempt killing Daria made him think that" I said taking another sip of my drink.

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