Snippy much

392 21 11


That was going to be the last time I would let that bitch snap my neck. I don't wanna cut my humanity on I feel free and not tide to anything.

I woke in a cellar and my throat felt like sand paper. My head was hurting.

"Look who's up" I heard a voice it was chresanto.

"What am I doing here" I said trying to get up

But it was like every muscle in my body has been weaken.

"Don't do anything reckless your body has been injected with virvain" he said

"That sound like a bitch move" I said rolling my eyes

When I looked at Chres eyes I saw him looking at me with love and also sadness.

"Don't look at me like that" I said

"Jacob your humanity is special it's what defines you" he said

"And with out it I'm just like prince am I correct?" I said

"Jacob stop it" I saw him getting angry

"Chres this is all your wasn't here when I thought you were somewhere else but ray was" I smirked knowing I was getting to him.

"I don't like you this way Jacob" Chres said walking away


I just walked into the August's house where I saw a few things broken.

"Ok...who let the dog off the leash" I said referring towards Jacob.

"Prince play nice" Ray pointed a finger towards me

Just then Chres walked in looking pissed off

"Oooh who pissed in your cereal?" I said walking fully in the living room.

"Look prince now is not the time" Chres said

"Look just because you can't cut the knock off humanity back on doesn't mean you should get angry" I said shrugging.

"Prince why are you here" Ray sighed.

"I'm bored, and I wanted to see if you cut Jacob's humanity on" I said taking a seat.

"Well obviously we're no where near it" Chres said "gosh it's like the only person who knows Jacob is Jasmine and himself"

Ray looked at me and agape.

"That's it!" He said

"what's it?" I looked at him

"You can talk to Jacob" Ray says

"Uh Nah" I said.

"Please" Chres said.

"No...hell no" I said getting up

"Prince your the only who can probably cut his humanity back it for yourself I mean he is taking your bad credit" Chres said

Jacob taking my bad credit? Hah...but he is getting little too comfortable with this "I don't care" attitude. Eh what the hell I'll do it.

"Fine" I said crossing my arm lifting a brow.

I followed Chres downstairs into the basement. He went towards a door and unlocked it. As I walked in saw an unconscious Jacob.

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