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If you watch Young&hungry you'll get the title 😂😂


  The situation with Chres and Jacob was on my mind, but I also had to deal with my situation.  Trying to stop the grim reaper was really hard. Especially its hard for us to pick up objects.

"So" Leah began "you died? And then died again?"

I was trying to help ray with setting up the trap for the reaper.

"Well..." I tried picking up a lot of the roses but some of them went trough me "I was already dead"

"But then you got your heart ripped out by a vampire" she said watching us.

"Welp.....the world is funny place isn't it?" I said finishing up the trap.

I looked at Ray and seen he was still worried. I walked over towards him.  I put hand on his shoulder.

"I'm pretty sure he's fine Ray" I said

After that little thing that happen with Chres he'd disappeared.

He turned towards me and smiled.

"I know" he said

I never seen Ray smiled like that. He made me feel like I had life in me for a minute.

"Hey look" he said "I want you to be careful"

" I will" I said giving him a hug.

With in a blink of an eye he vamped speed away. I then felt something in my hand and I realized it was the last purple rose to complete the circle.

"Everything is ready?" Jordan said walking towards me.

"Yeah" I said sighing "all we do now it lure the reaper and complete the circle"

Jordan smiled at me and grabbed my hand. Like I said before Jordan was cute but there was something about him that my gut didn't like. Leah cleared her throat and got our attention.

"If you wouldn't mind me interrupting" she smiled flipping her hair "I got a soul I want to keep"

Jordan let go of my hand and cleared his throat.

"So that plan is that Leah" he pointed at her "you're going to go out that there and wait for the reaper."

"What...why me" she scoffed.

"Because you're are fastest runner" he said.

It was true Leah was a good runner. She also did track before you know she died.

Leah scoff one more time before she walked little further out of the circle. I stared to follow after her, but Jordan grabbed my arm.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"I'm going with her." I said "If she get caught we need a back up plan"

"Which is you" he lifted a brow.

"Correction." I smiled.

After that I continue to followed her I hid behind a tree while Leah stand out in the open. Now all we do now is wait.


Here I was punching a punching bag in the living room. I couldn't get my mind off Chres I also couldn't locate him. When I died Chres imprint broke. So I can't even sense him. I lifted my left leg up kicking the bag. I was so pissed and hurt at the same time.

I then stopped feeling a present behind me. I quickly swung my fist and Ray caught it.

"You were too slow" Ray "I could've been snapped your neck."

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