New Living

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You get up from the basic hotel bed. You didn't have to stay the night there, but Vi insisted, so you did. After signing out and several weird looks from customers, you and Vi headed to your house. After returning to your house, Vi slithers as quickly as she can inside. You could already see the changes to your house. Sighing, you head inside. Vi was slithering around squealing in delight at the things she saw.
"SOO MUUCH ROOOOOM!!!" She exclaimed. She flopped on the couch, which was now at least three times bigger. You head to the other parts of the house. The bedroom was extremely renovated, with a king sized bed and little tables at both sides. The bathroom now had a bath that took up three fifths of the room and a shower to the side of it. Your laundry room barely changed, with just a sink and a bigger washer and drier in there. The kitchen had an oversized fridge, a large electric stove, ten foot counter, double bowled sinks, and a brand new dishwasher. After seeing all this, you grinned. At least this girl comes with a new house, you thought. You walk into the living room only to be grabbed by Vi's tail and sat by her.
"I really like the new house, master!" She said.
"Me too," you respond. Then you realize something and kneel on the floor, clutching your stomach.
THE RENT... you almost shout.
'Master are you okay?!" Vi says, shocked. You slowly rise and sit back next to her.
"I just...realized something...I'll be fine," you say.

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