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You woke up. That's what told you something was wrong. You usually never wake up by your own accord. You jump ot of bed, only halfway landing upright. You looked down at your nude self.

Better get something on first, you thought. You quickly throw on some jeans and a green shirt, then rush outside your room. It was dead silent. You started to panic. No way the girls wouldn't be making noise. Something must've happened to them! You dash into the kitchen. No one there. A quick look into the living room says the same. The base mant, the laundry room, the guest room, all of the girls' rooms; no one. You are freaking out now, barely able to not just yell their names. You run to the front door, and then you try to open the door. It's locked. You unlock it instantly, then burst out the door, running to find Remelia. But then you stop.

The door was locked. That's right! No one would've broken in and taken them and left the door locked! And they wouldn't have been able to do it silently either! I know Renti would've screamed. It all came together quickly, so you turned right back around and high tailed it back home. You went inside and shut the door going through each room again. You finally reach the bathroom. You turn the knob and look inside. The lights flash on and everyone rushes forward, a chorus of "Suprise!" following these actions. Vi hugs you a little too hard.

"Happy birthday Master!" She says. And then you mentally facepalm. Of course it was your birthday. This would be exactly like your girls. You smiled and hug her back.

"Thanks Vi." And suddenly all of the others are around you. You could feel Kya somewhere in the mass, making a thin lay around your stomach. Everyone clears off. You were blushing like mad at this point, probably because each of the girls did their best to give you a face full of breast. Not to mention you were speechless. You never were good with birthdays.

"So!" Inama exclaims,"What should we do today?" The rest quieted down, waiting for your answer.

(Hello guys! I'm taking a suggestion from HUgeCARgo. Is that how you spell it? Eh. Anyway, comment below what you think we should do for 'your' birthday!).

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