Teen Wolf 3x08 Rant

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Okay so just to start off...I really liked this episode. Like it wasn't too crazy (I didn't end up bawling my eyes out like I literally have been for the past four episodes) but it still had drama. I LOVED how they did it, with Peter and Gerard telling seperate but still connected flashback stories and seeing everybody young was so fun! Young Derek is SMOKIN HOT! Like he was so cute, I just wanted to eat him up. He wasn't drop-your-panties sexy like Older Derek is now, but he was still a looker ;) And who else recognized his love interest, Paige, as the girl from Supernatural? The one whose dad was a hunter but got killed and then she went rogue and Dean had to save her? YEAH THAT WAS HER.

And Derek and Paige were just too cute. Like you could feel the whole teenage-romance thing going on, which was so NOT Derek that it was hilarious. Like basketball, really Derek? Lol and who else was shocked to find out that Derek used to be a romantic? It was so cute how he flirted with her and said he loved her and stuff. And when he was trying to distract her? I WAS DYING OF JEALOUSY I WANTED TO BE THAT GIRL! And she said no he wasn't distracting her - bitch please, Derek Hale always distracts!! Haha but I actually loved young Derek in this episode. We got to learn soooo much more about why Derek is the way he is, I just felt like after 2 and a half seasons ITS ABOUT GODDAMN TIME! We should've learned some of this sooner! But oh well :) And then when Derek tried to turn her I was like YOU STUPID IDIOT NO!!! And I hate Ennis so much, like fuck Ennis! It was soo beyond sad that he had to kill her, I was nearly crying :( Poor baby Derek, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER SWEETIE! While it was no shock that she would die (she's obviously not still with Derek), I was surprised that she knew about werewolves the whole time, or at least suspected. That was a cool twist :) 

But okay so much more happened in this episode than just Derek. Can I just rant about how frickin adorable Stiles and Cora are??? Like actually, I am LOVING the two of them together! They're both witty, both sarcastic, and in a way, they're both outsiders to the whole werewolf-group. Stiles because he's a human and Cora because she was gone for five years or whatever and hasn't really been welcomed back. I just love them together - DEFINITE new ship

Which brings me to one of the many questions I had after tonight - who is Peter related to? Like is he Derek's mom, Talia's brother or Derek's dad's brother? Because he seems pretty damn young to be Talia's brother, although Talia was gorgeous and pretty young herself so you never know. I loved when Stiles asked about their ages CAUSE I WAS WONDERING THE SAME THING! How old is Peter now? My best guess would be roughly in his thirties, but he is one hot son of a bitch if he's even that old. Like I worship Peter, he's so funny and he's gorgeous and I just love him. Period. Except when he was telling the story, he TOTALLY lied about it being all Derek's idea to turn Paige. It was a good parallel to when Gerard completely lied about it being a trap when he went to meet Deucalion - that fucker KILLED all of them! Not Deuc! And then when Gerard blinded Deucalion HOLY FUCK! That was some scary shit. But when Deuc killed his own wolf, I was scared out of my mind. He is one scary shit with those eyes! And OMG DEUCALION SEES AS A WOLF!!! explains so much! So he can see, the sneaky bastard:) Lol and you know who else was hot when they were younger? DEUCALION! He was pretty damn cute :) And his pack were some hot mofos! Like when we saw them in the first scene when Talia entered, I was like mmmmm :) It was so weird/funny to see Ennis, Deuc, and Kali with their old packs. In my head I was sort of singing this chant like "Ha ha we know that your alpha will kill you any day now ha ha" :| Kinda messed up, huh? Lol I'm a sick person! I know :)

GERARD. Oh my holy lord, Gerard just needed to get the fuck out. Like no. Just no. First he starts off by suggesting that Deaton is the druid?? Are you mental?? Deaton wouldn't tie himself up and TRY TO KILL HIMSELF just for some crazy sacrifice ritual crap...and IF he would, then Deaton's severely messed up :) But of course that's crazy BS, Deaton's not the druid. No. And then when Scott threatened Gerard at the end I was like dayummm Scott you go TrueAlpha! Haha but also when Ennis was acting like a bitch to Stiles' dad ( who was a deputy hahaha) I was thinking to myself "I'm glad you're dead now HA" And then later on when we found out the druids were in Beacon Hills five years ago or how ever long ago that was?? *Question - I don't understand WHERE WAS CORA WHEN ALL THIS WAS HAPPENING BACK THEN? Like she's not much younger than Derek, a couple years. So why wasn't she shown at school, or with her brother and uncle at any point? And more importantly, why didn't she remember any of it? Weird. But anyways, the druids are some freaky motherfuckers who are NOT to be messed with. And it was awesome that we got to finally solve the Deaton-Morrell mystery - they're EMISSARIES! So cool. Except Morrell is counselling the WRONG SIDE! Don't help the Alphas, bitch, help Derek! Deaton's whole story about the scorpion and the frog was nice - Deaton's one smart bastard, I can tell you that. And it was creepy how Gerard used that SAME story to Scott and Allison! Ugh Gerard needs to go, NEEDS TO GO! (said in a Bon qui qui voice, for those of you who understand that reference <3) 

And finally, yet another mystery solved...the blue eyes :) So now we know that if you have blue eyes (and you're a werewolf, mind you) you have killed an innocent person! Which is sad for Derek because we know who he killed, but WHO THE FUCK DID PETER KILL?!?! At first I thought Laura, but then I realized no, that just made him an Alpha. Although he could've still counted her as an innocent death, I have a feeling it's gonna turn out to be somebody else he killed. We'll just have to wait and see ;) And that also made me think of JACKSON, whose eyes were blue also! Is that just because he killed innocent people as the kanima, or did he kill somebody too?? And do you have to be a werewolf when you kill them for your eyes to change color?? So many questions still! And who else saw the preview thing for the next four episodes?? OMG! STILES AND LYDIA KISS AHHH AND SO MUCH OTHER SHIT HAPPENS! Another thing - I was sad to not see Isaac, the twins, Danny, or Lydia in this episode! Missed them :( Oh and what the fuck was Derek doing at the end? Like was he also thinking about Paige and just happened to go there? 

But anyway, this was a smashing episode and I thoroughly enjoyed it :) And if any of you even care why I posted this earlier than usual, it's cause I changed my tactic of ranting. Instead of watching it on my TV and then rewatching it while I write the rant, tonight I watched it on my TV AND took notes on my phone with all my reactions, so that I could just run up to my room afterwards and turn the notes into paragraphs. So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this rant and to sum up my main points - Derek has EXTREMELY tragic luck with women, Stiles and Cora are fantastic and my new ship, I love Peter to death, Deucalion is a scary but attractive bastard whose been lying about being blind (who does that???), Gerard is a little fuck, and I am now terriffied of people with blue eyes. See ya guys next week! xoxox

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