Part 1

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Harry pov
"What you can't be Sirius, Voldemort has a grandson?"

"Yes Harry" Dumbledore replied "and he will be joining you at hogwarts for your 5th year."

"WHAT?" I roared. "He is probably as evil as Voldemort he killed my parents and you want his grandson to come to Hogwarts!?"

"Harry!" Hermione scolded. "You haven't even met this boy and you are already judging him."

I just glared at her. Ron however took my side he said rather loudly

"Whoever is related to Voldemort must be evil."

Dumbledore just smiled and said "anywho Harry Ron hermione you will be coming with me to New York to get the boy. How ever the boy does not know about wizards his mother was a squib and didn't tell him anything."

"See Harry he doesn't even know of his powers how do you know he is evil?" Hermione questioned.

"What ever" I muttered scowling I turn to Dumbledore and ask "Who is Voldemort's grandson anyways. With a twinkle in his eye Dumbledore replies "he goes by the name Perseus Jackson."

Voldemorts grandson (Percy Jackson harry potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now