Part 4

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Percy's pov
I walked through the front door of my house and called "mom I'm home"

"In the living room sweetie" I heard her call. I walked in to see a old man with a very long beard a boy with bright red hair a girl with bushy hair and a boy with green eyes and a scar on his forehead.
My hand snuck to my pocket which had riptide in it they looked suspicious."who are you?" I ask suspiciously" " I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, and this is Ron Wesley, hermione granger and Harry Potter" Harry and Ron were glaring at me I wonder why? I looked at my mom for more of an explanation. "Sit down Percy" she says I sit down slowly "I have something important to tell you"She says sighing.
I know I said my grandfather died in a plane Accident but he really didn't. My father was a wizard and he is-""wait wizards are real? Like the pointy hat and wand waving wizards?"" Yes Percy and my father was one I am a squib meaning I have no magical abilities but you do. And professor Dumbledore wants you to go to his school because"
-------------line break----------------------
(She just explained what Voldemort was and what he did to the wizarding world)." So what do you say will you go to his school in London?" My mom asked me.
I guess it's the only way to stay safe so I said "ok but what's the school called?" Dumbledore proudly says "Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry". I burst out laughing between breaths I say you named a school after a pigs skin disease? And I burst out laughing again.Dumbledore smiles a little and I Finally stop laughing.
Ron and Harry are still glaring at me but I shrug it off."ok so when do I leave" I ask "whenever you are ready"Dumbledore says " we will go to diagon ally first to get all your school things and then you will stay at the burrow until school starts next week." I nod ok I will be ready in half an hour. I head upstairs and put a few pairs of clothes in my suitcase. When I'm all packed I iris message Annabeth
Percy: Annabeth!
Annabeth: seaweed brain where are you Chiron wouldn't tell me anything?
Percy: my mom is sending me to a boarding for the school year but I'll see you on the holiday breaks.
Annabeth: what but that's months from now what if I get a flashback from t-t-tar- you know where
Percy: you will be fine Annabeth of you ever have a nightmare or flashback just iris message me got to go though bye love
Annabeth :bye love you too
End of conversation
With that I swipe my hand through the mist and go back downstairs. When I go down stairs I see the golden trio talking in hushed voices but the second I come down the immediately shut up.
"Ok Percy we are going to apparate to diagon ally so if you just grab on to my arm"Dumbledore said.I hesitantly grabbed onto his arm and before I know it, it feels like I'm on a roller coaster when it's over I look up and see the most amazing thing.
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Voldemorts grandson (Percy Jackson harry potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now