Part 5

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I take in my surroundings it's amazing there's huge colourful shops everywhere with spectacular things and theres people everywhere all dressed in robes and hats, which I found weird  but  didn't  mention.

Just as I was about to say how awesome it was Ron exclaimed suprised " how are you not throwing up almost everyone throws up when they apparate for the first time?"

"I've been through rougher transportations"I say vaguely. Leaving them wondering what I meant. 
"Well children" Dumbledore says "I must be on my way officials hogwarts business to attend to I trust you'll help Perseus find all his things?" He asks peering over his half-moon shaped glasses at us.
"I prefer Percy" I interrupt.
"Oh and here Perseus I already took the opportunity to go to your vault and get you some money" Dumbledore said handing me a bag with three types of coins on it.
"Ok perseu-Percy follow us we'll take you to Ollivianders to get your wand" Hermione said.
Ron nodding he had sort of warmed up to me a bit more but I could still see the suspicion in his eyes Harry however was still glaring at me.

We walking into a dusty store full of long rectangular boxes. The store seemed to be empty so I called out "hello?"
A man seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Umm hi I said I'm Percy Jackson I'm here to get a wand" I said
The man looked confused "I don't remember getting you a wand and I remember every wand I sell and your much to old to be getting your first wand ho-"
" I didn't know I was a wizard until of at actually" I say interrupting him. He nods slowly then disappears in the shelves of boxes. A couple minutes later he comes out with a wand.
As soon as I grab it he snatched it away muttering " no no no."

He comes back with a couple more boxes. I try each one but every time I give it a wave something bad happens I broke the lights on the room I accidentally electrocuted Hermione and I set fire to the shop.
Olliviander quickly fixes all my mishaps, after going trough atleast 20 more wands he brings out a box it's sea green and has waves on it. As soon as I grab a hold of it a sure of power goes through me and a spray of water comes out the tip.
"Ah" Olliviander says " 11 inches, bendy the wood is from and olive tree and the core is a Pegasus feather"
I thank him and all him how much.
"That will be 10 galleons and 12 sickles" he says. That means absolutely nothing to me I look over helplessly to Hermione.
"Here" she says taking my bag and handing Olliviander a assortment of coins before handing me back my bag. I open the door to leave when Olliviander says
" Remember Mr.Jackson. The wand chooses the wizard not the other way around" with a wink he turns and disappears to the back of his shop. "That was weird" I comment to the trio "well where to next?" I ask.
Vote and comment what you think. And to everyone who kept telling me to add quotation marked I went back and edited my chapters and added the quotation marks.

Voldemorts grandson (Percy Jackson harry potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now