Shedding Yellow

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Flowers turning yellow.
Ends getting crisp.
Soft petals weep.
Against the overwhelming sun beam.

Sunbeams are yellow.
Sunsets are red.
Red is royal.
Royal is a mess.

Messed is what a teen's life.
With bad up bringing and bad vibes.
Escaping is what becomes the main mission,
"Mission failed. Want to try again?"

Again is a word not in a fool's dictionary.
Because once fallen, never arises.
Once kicked, never mumbles
Once slapped, never reasons

Reasoning is what I seek in life.
With the every ounce of breath I have.
Shedding yellow is what I want to do.
Break the walls.
Be the red.
Because red is not royal.
Red is brave.
Red is strong.
Red is Red.

A/N: Sorry! For not updating for a lonnnng time. Board exams are you all understand:)
Thanks for reading;)

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