Born to WIN

278 37 30
  • Dedicated to StephanieKnowles

My heart is throbbing so loudly,
Just like every beat is indicating;
the last moment of my life.
Standing on a hilltop,
I deemed to let myself fall.
In order to give my last farewell to this tyrant world,
Who took away my lovely parents.

Who will be there to fill my void?
Who will be there to calm me when I am annoyed?
But as I look into my optimistic side,
In my anguish,I wonder;
Will my parents grant me to take this extreme step?
For they always did their best,
So that they'll suffer and I can rest.

Always they wanted me on the top of this world,
But never could they ever imagine,
That their only child,
Is now standing on the top of the mountain;
Enticing her death.

And now I understand,so,
God,repel me from this sin.
From their souls,I am born to win,
I am born to WIN.

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