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This year started out like any other school year, in the hell they call school. I am now a Junior in high school. It seemed like any normal first day of school. The only difference was that everyone was a class higher than they used to be. It felt nice to see my friends again, but it sucks that I have to see them at this hell hole.
I walk into my first period class and recognize several people which is good. I take a seat in a empty row and get ready for the class. I miss the days that on the first day all you had to do was get to know the people in your class. I pull out my note book and a sharpie to write with.
As the bell rings a kid ran in. I had never seen him before.
"Who is he? He is kinda cute. Wait why is he walking over here?" I think to myself and then I realized that the seat next to me is the last seat open. Shit, I don't do well with new kids. I hope he doesn't try talking to me.
"Hi, is this seat taken?" The kid asks.
"Nah, you can sit here." I say back quickly.
I glance up and notice he has a small smile when I say that. He pulls up his chair and gets everything out for the class. I tried listening to the teacher but it was hard to. I was so nervous with the new kid. Something about him made him seem different.
"Fei, pay attention." The teacher yells at me.
I turn red and hid even more than I already was. I hated my name and my teachers knew I did. I raise my hand and tell him I don't like being called by my real name. He, of course, could care less. So I continue to take notes.
As I write I feel like I'm being watched. I turn to the new kid and catch him looking at me. When he realized that I had noticed he quickly looked away.
"There is something off about this kid. Yes he is really fucking cute, but there is something about him that puts me on edge." I think to myself.
We continue to take notes and all of a sudden the teacher began to pick partners. Not good for me. I always get stuck with someone that has a crush on me. So I end up doing all the work while they try to find a way to make me go out with them. Which always ended in rejection for them.
The teacher got to me and kept trying to find someone to put me with. I didn't know who was left and who was already in pairs. I didn't care either.
"Fei, your partner will be Halos."
What kind of name is that?
I turn and see the new kid grab his stuff to move a little closer to me. He was smiling from ear to ear.
"Hi. I'm Halos." He says to me.
"Hey. I'm Fei. But I go by Ray" I respond.
He gives me a curious look when I say my real name. But he doesn't question me on it. Which I appreciated. He seemed like a nice guy. But something still bothered me about him.
We were given our subjects for the project and then began working on them. Halos and I got supernatural beings. I laughed and Halos gave me a look.
"My real name means fairy. That's why I don't like it, and our topic is supernatural beings. Like fairies." I explain.
He smiles a little to show he understood. I realized that he hadn't really smiled since we were given our topic. He even seemed a little upset. I didn't like seeing him like that. It didn't fit him.
"So what being do you want to do?" I ask trying to get this done and over with.
"Why not Angels?" He asks.
"Let's do it." I say and smile at him trying to get him to smile. It didn't work.

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