It's been 4 years since the accident and my diagnosis and I don't feel anything at all. It's been 3 years since I relearned how to walk from the temporary paralysis caused by the accident, but something more tragic had happened to me during that time. I lost my best friend because she sustained a brain injury, she became paranoid and afraid after the crash and told that she couldn't have children. She became close to Patrick, the guy I introduced her to: he spent most of his days in the hospital as she was making her recovery, he read to her and sang to her. He was the only one who kept her calm when her heart rate jumped high and the nurses came running in with a crash cart and medicines. No one could calm her like Patrick. A couple months ago I got invited to their wedding which was happening this weekend and I was still leery about going since I still have relapse moments of paralysis and I didn't want to impose on their wedding guests to look after me or look at me with pity. This was my life and I would just have to live with it.
My Unlikely Fate
AcakMelody Carmichael has everything. A career in business law, a husband who is a doctor, a four story mansion as a house and a Mercedes.... Everything she's ever wanted. But she is jealous of me. Why? She's got everything that I don't.