Ch. 2 Blood and Beef

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Josi's POV

I woke up and almost started screaming again. I had forgotten where I was. I looked at the alien dude who was at the pilot seat. He didn't appear to be steering or doing anything of that nature, he was just staring out the window.

My stomach growled and he looked at me strangely. Darn! I hope he doesn't ask me what that was. I could just lie, I suppose. Doesn't really matter what I tell him. I don't want to eat any food. I am probably just paranoid but I don't want them brainwashing me. I know that eventually I will have to eat but my stubbornness is taking over my logic.

"What was that?" he asked.

"It was my stomach telling me that I don't have to eat for another four hours." I said.

"So you only have to eat every twelve hours?" he asked.

"It depends on the person and how much they usually eat." I replied. "But yes, that is the average."

"That makes sense, I guess." he said.

I didn't reply. I was wondering how long it would take him to realize that I just lied to him. If he and his people kidnapped more than just me, he would find out pretty quickly. I could already tell the lack of food in my system was affecting me. My head was pounding.

"We will reach our destination in two hours." he said.

I didn't respond. I was just thinking about where I could possibly be going and why. I don't like many of the possible answers either.

He stood up from his chair and started walking over to me. He sat down across from me and starting eating something himself. I could smell it. It smelled really weird. Like nothing I have ever smelled before.

I glanced into his bowl and threw up. It looked like blood and beef bits. Unfortunately when I threw up it pretty much all landed on the alien's shirt. I would be embarrassed but seeing as he was an alien and just abducted me I don't really care enough to be embarrassed.

His eyes flew to mine and stared at me with what seemed to be worry evident in his light purple eyes. He looked at his shirt and then back to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I will be fine. Can you please eat, whatever that is, somewhere else?" I said.

"Sure, I can eat up front. Are you sure your going to be all right?"


He stood up and walked through a door I didn't notice before. A minute later he came out with a different shirt on. He grabbed his bowl and went to his chair and sat back down.

I looked around the inside of this ship and looked for possible exits, entrances, and escape routes. I don't plan on jumping into the middle of space but primarily for when we land.

My escape plan will have six steps. First gain the trust of alien(s), use trust to get supplies needed, escape, find suitable return to Earth vehicle, figure out how it works, and return home.

I suppose I should stop lying to the alien guy since I want him to trust me. After all he will figure out that I need more than two meals a day, rather quickly.

Alien's POV

I am 90% certain she is no longer suitable for this mission. First she slumps over and falls asleep, then her head seems to hurt, lastly she expelled some kind of smelly fluid all over my shirt.

I really want to get her to the doctor. I decided to increase our speed enough to get us there in 30 minutes instead of two hours. I don't want to be blamed if she is too ill. Even though I am technically a very high ranking officer I can still be demoted. With my ranking I could be running this project instead of in it. I just don't like the position of command.

Josi seems really smart. I know most of the people we bring in are going to be smart but she is different. Instead of thrashing against the restraints she calmly takes in everything around her. I can see the analyzing and calculating look in her eyes. I think this might lead to a problem later. I will be sure to inform her monitor of that.

Monitors will be assigned a person and will follow them around, explaining things, showing them around the facilities, being a friend, and making sure they stay healthy enough for our project. The monitors will be matched with a human through a test that helps find the right qualities the certain human needs. The matching will take place two days after arrival of each human.

The first two days after the arrival of each human they will be kept in the infirmary. Here they will end up getting a tracking device implanted in their arm, some vaccines, a physical, and the monitor test. The infirmary is inside the facility and is the most guarded, secure, and escape proof building in the whole project.

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