Ch. 7 The Implant and My Plans are Found Out

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So far, the most interesting thing about this planet is the food replicator. It can make the widest range of foods I have ever seen without anything ever tasting against my liking. As promised, my ten options of food to choose from does change based on the time of day and the apparent requirements the doctor has set for my nutritionary plan. 

When I woke up this morning I had thirty extra minutes before I actually had to wake up, but I got up anyway. The hunger was keeping me awake and the little sleep that I did get was restless and interuppted by any sounds at all.

For breakfast I had one of the biggest omlets on my plate I have ever seen. I didn't eat it all, Zele took care of that for me. My resolve to eat the absolute minimum has not waned, but Alec told me that he isn't afraid to take me to Doctor Geneva if I don't start to eat more. 

The first introduction class on the reason for my purpose here was even more boring than I expected. I did manage to remember it all though, it was very basic.

The video contained information on how many people they plan on abducting from Earth, in what order they will arrive, and a brief description of the first two phases. Even when I asked the interactive computer what the other phases involve, it was very vague and obscure.

"It is time to eat brunch," Alec says from beside me.

"I just ate two hours ago!" I say looking at the watch they had provided me.

"We are hoping it will help increase your food intake."

"I'm not hungry!" I say in an attempt to stop him from taking me to the replicator.

"You have to eat anyways," Alec says in what I can only assume is an exasperated tone.

Alec has soon picked me up and carried me back to the food replicator, despite the distance only being a few feet.

"Why do you guys always carry me places? I have barely been allowed to walk on my own two feet!" I say frowning.

"It is somewhat hard to explain. It relates to our culture here," Zele says from the table.

"It has to do with the fact that you have not reached a healthy weight by our standards and the doctor is worried that you might faint or accidentally injure yourself," Alec says ignoring Zele's comment.

"Alec, I thought he said we could-" Zele starts before getting cut off from Alec.

"No, they are worried it might..." Alec says trailing off.

"You'll tell me later?" Zele aks almost as if he already knows the answer.


"Wait, what? What aren't you telling me?" I ask annoyed. "If you guys are going to be talking about me, at least do it somewhere where I won't notice."

"Please just pick your food Josephene, we have a schedule to adhere to," Alec says sounding somewhat impatient.

I take a look at the list and notice the numbers in the corner of the screen, the calorie count of each dish. Perhaps I can use this to my advantage by picking the lowest calorie dish and then eating a slightly higher amount of the food so that they think they are succeeding, but really I will be winning my own little rebellion.

I choose the fruit salad that they have offered as it only has 300 calories and I'm sure I can get away with eating a little less than half.

Alec brings me to the table and sets me down on one of the chairs, but as he does my elbow hits the back of the chair and a shooting pain goes up my arm.

I try to ignore the pain because I know I've already spoken too much today but my eyes betray me. They water with the pain as the heat that accompanies the pain burns through my arm, and a tear drips down my face. I clutch my elbow and pull my legs up onto the chair so I'm kind of hunched in on myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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