The Girl Who Smiled

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She smiles

All the time

She must be quite happy

I've never seen her down

For there is always a smille on her face

She hides 

All the time

So that no one is around

To see her cry

And pour out her feelings

She cries

All the while

Falling to the ground

With only the sound of tears

Coming from deep inside

She dies inside

Not the first time

Not the last

Deeper into depression

Their words always make her die inside

She continues to cry 

Every day

Every night

But they think she is okay

Because they only see her smile

She continues to smile

So they won't ask what is wrong

They will simply leave her alone

Because she seems fine

Until finally her feelings couldn't be covered 

She stopped smiling 

Because the feelings were too much

The smile could not hide them anymore

And so people came and asked what is wrong

Because she always cried

And from then on she got help

She stopped crying

And stopped hiding

And started smiling

But this smile was no cover

Next time someone is smiling

Think,  what are they hiding

If anything at all

For their smile may be just a cover

Ready to burst at any moment

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