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I found you

In the corner weeping

Helpless and broken

Nothing left to live for

I took you

In my grasp

Teary eyed and hurt

You will by okay

I held you

Tight in my arms

Your cold pale figure

Drained from reality

I promised you

Everything would be alright

And that whole night

I sat with my arms around you

I sat with you

And talked and talked

Until everything was better

And I knew you were okay

I knew you

On that one night

You were so scared

And I was so worried

That was a night you would never forget

Where one terrible thing made you worry

But we faced it together

And its all in the past now


All written on 9.28.13 execpt the last stanza.

I have so many drafts of poems I am just uploading ones I like :)

From The Bottom Of My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now