Chapter 1

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"Thank you." I said walking out the car. Zayn followed me to the door.

"No problem." He smiled. He suddenly looked uncomfortable. "Um maybe we can hang out again sometime. I was wondering if I can have your number."

My eyes widen. "Uh sure." I gave him my phone and he put in his number and I did the same with his.

Jade was sitting on the couch watching tv. Me and Jade live together. Her mom is in rehab and her dad left when she was only five. She's been living with me for five years now. "Hey Jade", I said putting my purse on the table. I sat next to jade on the couch. her hands were covering her face. Jade was crying. Usually she cries when its serious and that rarely happened. The last time she cried this way was when she found out her mom had to go to rehab after an overdose. her face was cherry red. you cant help but cry with her. its heartbreaking when she's been through so much. I bit my lip trying not to cry. "Jade what's wrong. Is everything okay." I put my hand on her back on run circles trying to calm her down.

She smiles. Okay so she went from crying to smiling. What is she bipolar now. She looks at me and gives me a hug. "I got accepted to a dance audition in Manhattan.'' I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my stomach. tears well up in my eyes. Jade and I both dance. We used to go to dance classes when we were younger. If it was the end of the world I wouldn't even notice. im to shocked to even think. All I know is im going to be alone by myself. She sees my expression and she holds my hands in hers.

"How long are you staying there." Warm tears fall onto my cheeks. I let go of her hand roughly, and I can see the hurt in her eyes. Guilt ran through my body and I cried even more. she stays silent not answering me. Anger boils in my body and I jump off the couch. "ANSWER ME!" I yell. i couldn't live without her. She's like my little sister. We been through so much. my hand moves to my stomach feeling the pain that just hit me.

"Imstayingthereforsixmonths", she says quickly. I cry harder in my hands I feel to skinny arms wrap around my shoulders. I feel tears run down my shoulders. Jade and i are both crying. "Im coming right back after that. Im not staying there for ever." She smiles. I nod, wiping tears out of my eyes.

We sit in the airport eating ice cream, talking about our memories. we would cry once in a while but the start to laugh. "Plane to Manhattan'', i hear the speaker call. I felt tears come to contact with my cheeks. I give Jade a big hug and she cries. "Don't cry. your just gonna make me cry even more." I say wiping away the tears. We both smile. She picks up her suitcase and walks to the plane. She turns back and waves goodbye. I smile as tears fall out of my eyes.

"Tell me what happens with you and Zayn'', she yells. I roll my eyes still crying. She always seems to have a way to lighten up the mood. As if she could tell the future, my phone vibrates and Zayn texts me.


hey you wanna hang out today xx :-)


Sure xx :-)


Great!! Where are you xx :-)


The airport. Don't ask :-l


Okay im on my way :-):-)xx

I smile at the two smiley faces. He must be really excited. Maybe he can take Jade leaving off my mind. Right now I just need to forget. I sit outside the airport for about thirty minutes 'till i see Zayn's Porsche pull up. He gets out of the car to open the passenger seat. He smiles and lets me in the passenger seat. I give a small smile, which causes him to frown. I sit in the passenger seat waiting for him to come in.

W drive for about ten minutes in silence until Zayn opens his mouth. I sigh missing the peace and quiet. "So why were at the airport?" The question i was hoping he wouldn't ask. The funny thing is I just started to forget she left. Now the pain is rushing back and i feel tears in the process. My head falls to my knees trying to hide the tears coming from my eyes. There's a moment of silence until i answer the question. I tell him everything from top to bottom. I felt good knowing he was listening.

"It just feels like a part of me just left and im alone now." I say staring out the window. More and more tears fall out of my eyes and on to my arm.

"Your not alone. You have me", he says sympathetically. I smile. It felt nice to hear that come out of his mouth. What if he's doing that because he feels bad for me. I shake the thought out of my head and turn on the radio. One thing comes on and i sing to it quietly, While Zayn being the cocky one is singing to the top of his song.

"Show off", i laugh

"What i cant sing my own song", he smirks.

"So where are you taking me", i sigh

"Its a surprise", the cheeky grin on his face makes me smile.

We both got out of the car and i saw the sign. "NANDOS!!!!", My eyes widen in excitement. Oh my gosh. I jumped on top of Zayn and gave him a big hug. "Thank you so much." I chirp

"Everyone loves Nandos" He chuckle

We were there for awhile and we talked about music and how i loved to dance. He says that i could be on a record with my music but i doubt. Im not as good as him. No one will listen to my music or care. Im not that good with criticism either. Anytime he would ask me about my personal life, i would push the subject to the side. It was really nice talking to him though. I felt really comfortable, I almost told him everything. Im not good with honesty, trust. I hate when people lie to me. That practically as my life. Its really hard to get my trust back.

When we went back in the car I automatically fell asleep. I was exhausted. This whole weekend was exhausting. I had a great time with Zayn though. To be honest, I actually believed him when he said he would be there for me. Wait Emma non. I cant have feelings for him. Uugghh! Why did Jade have to leave now.


Authors note: Yea comment vote. Sorry for any mistakes. Zemma love. lol

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