Chapter 2

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I open my eyes and realize I'm not in my flat. I rub my eyes to get a better look at the room. Oh! I went out with Zayn yesterday and fell asleep in his car. Wait! Where's Zayn. I slowly turn my head to the other side of the bed to see he's not there. Oh my gosh. I feel like my hearts about to pop out of my chest from how fast it's beating. I pull my hands through my hair in frustration. The sudden smell of pancakes runs through my head and I suddenly hear the rumble of my stomach. Considering of how much I ate yesterday, I thought I would be full. Well it must be because I have fast metabolism.

I get out of bed and get a piece of gum out of my purse since I don't have my toothbrush. Mint rushes up to my nose as I breath out and relax. I quickly take a glance at my self in the mirror to see I don't have on my close. A sick feeling hits my stomach as I realize Zayn probably changed me. He must have been disgusted when changing me. I'm so ugly. I wrap my hands around my arms trying to cover myself. Just breath in and out. I shake the thought out of my head and take a quick glance at me again in the mirror. I actually look good in Zayns baggy clothes. I walk out of the room still chewing my gum. I walk to the kitchen and stop in my tracks to see Harry making pancakes. My heart beats so fast that this time I honestly think my heart will pop out of my chest. I really didn't expect other people to be here. Harry smiles at me, showing his dimples and I don't know what to do but stand there.

"Good morning", he says but still focusing on the pancakes. I close my eyes and breath quietly. I just need to relax. He's not a criminal.

"Uh", I choke, "where's Zayn?" I say trying to let loose.

"Oh he's on the couch sleeping." He stacks three plates of pancakes on the table and gestures me to take a seat and eat. I sit on the stool and start eating as he makes more. When I'm down to my last pancake I hear someone else come into the kitchen. I look up to see blonde hair and blue eyes. Obviously it was Niall. He smiled, showing off his teeth. I smiled back at him.

He suddenly frowns and looks at my plate. "How come you give her three but not me." He pouts. I laugh.

"Don't worry Niall, I eat more than just three pancakes." I say putting my plate In the sink.

"Why didn't you ask for more?" Harry asks. These boys don't know etiquette do they. Usually when I'm at other people's houses, I don't eat a lot. I feel weird stuffing my face in front of people.

"Because its not my flat and not my food." I say. My thoughts fall on Zayn. I walk towards the couch to see him sleeping peacefully. His lips were slightly parted and his eyes moved back and forth, which was a sign I knew he was dreaming. It was kinda cute. What am I saying. It's not cute. I shake my head and push my conscious in the back if my head. Before I even know it, I see a butt fly flat on Zayns face. I cover my mouth trying hard not to laugh but I had no success in the process. I tried to catch my breath from all the laughing. I held on to my stomach, because it hurt from all the laughter. I look up to realize it was Niall who did it. God, he was such a child. Everyone was laughing, except Zayn who's face was full of anger. I hear more footsteps come down stairs to see Louis and Liam rushing downstairs, angry as well. There eyes were baggy and crusted. I felt tiny guilt fill my body knowing we woke them up, yet there was still a big smile on our faces. I walked over and introduced myself, the anger fading away from there faces.

"Tell me about yourself Emma", Louis says wiggling his eyebrows. We were all sitting on the couch. I was sitting in between Niall and Zayn and Harry was sitting next to Liam, while Louis was on the edge.

"We'll I love singing, dancing, and video games." All the boys eyes widen, even Zayn. I see Niall whisper something to Zayns ear and he blushes.

"Emma, what games do you play?" He asked

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