Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

I walked threw out the streets with my shoulder slumped over, regretting Jade's idea of taking a stroll out in the NYC. I honestly don't know what I was thinking. Not even the big billboards or anything can catch my attention. I don't even know half the places I have passed so far. I just hate being bored though because I then get lost in my thoughts and I could've sworn I saw Zayn in one of the taxi cars. Like, that's hom much im lost in my thoughts right now. All I've been doing for the past three ours is think about him and him only. I miss everything about him. I was so stupid to leave. I miss his touch. His beautifull singing. His eyes, his smile. But im just to scared. A part of me is holding me back and another part is wanting to be right next to his side all day every day. Almost everyday since I've been here, all I've done is stare at my phone, not knowing if I should call. 

I sighed. ''Jade can we go back to your apartment. It's killing me being out here.''

''You honestly cant find nothing that interest you, Emma.'' She said pointing out all the sights.

I watched, taking a quick glance at the shops and restaurants. I shook my head, pouting. Jade pouted, following my actions.

She sighed. "Fine.'' We turned around and started walking back to her apartment. I looked through each window of each store or shops. Jade actually thinks I would care for any of this. All I see is yellow cars and traffic, with bright restaurants or stores gleaming on the streets.

I was relieved to go home. Im not going to lie though, some of the sights were interesting. Each step I took I could hear an angelic voice playing the music. "Jade do hear that.'' She put her hair behind her ear. She nodded slowly, her face full of curiousity.

''Yea. Who ever that is sounds amazing. And there singing my favorite song.'' She smiled clapping her hands. I listened again and they were singing kiss me by Ed Sheeran. I walked faster, looking into every window of every store. I slowly stepped in with Jade by my side. The place was sorta like a warehouse but the music was coming from here. I opened the door to one of the rooms and there he was playing the song. He was full of emotion my heart sunk. I miss him so much. I want to leave but im frozen. Glued to the floor. He lifted his head up meeting my gaze. My heart suddenly pounded.

''Maybe we should go.'' Jade advised, shaking thoughts.

''R-right.'' I stuttered. I stared at him one time before running out of the studio. What am I doing. Why didn't I just leave. I ran out of the room, leaving Jade behind.

"Emma!" Zayn called after me. Emma!" A shoulder grabbed on to my hand before I could get any further. My face slammed right into his chest. Resting my head, I cried feeling defeated and suddenly realizing that I cant live without Zayn. I cant be mad at him anymore. I think me being mad just made thing worse. ''Im not letting you go!'' He demanded. His thumb caressed my skin, wiping away a tear that had slipped from my eyes. "Not this time not ever.'' This time, what he said was full of want.

He suddenly let go of me sighing. "Why do you hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Then why are you so afraid of falling for someone.''

I hesitated. "Because im afraid they'll let go. Abandon me. I just don't think I deserve you" I saw Jade in the back watching the scene as it plays out.

"Emma, I will never abandon you. I will never let you go. And sometimes I don't think I deserve you. You just have to trust me" He pulled my head up to look at him with his thumb. "Do you trust me."

"I trust you."

"So are we good now?" He asked me nervously.

I snuffled. "Yes."  I wrapped my arms around his neck. "No more lies No more leaving. Will always be together." Or at least that's what I was hoping for.


I turned to look at me boyfriend. How crazy does that sound, right.? Boyfriend. Zayn Malik is my boyfriend. Im dating an angel.

"Enjoying the view." He smirked.

"Do you always have to do that." I got out of bed, looking at myself in the mirror. Im so ugly. My hair was sticking out everywhere. I frowned putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Well  it's not my fault my mom created a light sleeper." I chuckled.

"Babe." My heart beat when I heard him call me 'babe'. I smiled brightly.


"When do you want to tell the public?" He asked

"Whenever you want." I turned around seeing his face. He looked as if he was having a crazy thought trapped in hi mind that he couldn't get out. Let just say he looked nervous. "Zayn," he looked up at me, ''are you okay?" I asked rubbing my hand against his cheek soothingly. He kissed my palm.

"Im fine." he looked almost depressed making wonder even more. "Im just hoping that when we tell everyone, they wont try to hurt you in anyway possible.''

"Zayn. They don't know about us." I chuckled at my joke.

"Very funny. Im serious though." He looked deep into my eyes.

"Im being serious to." He turned his head to the side with an "are you kidding me" face. "Okay maybe not as much as you are but, to be honest I don't care what they say because they really don't know anything. They're are just going to say things out from there butts that's all." I shrugged.

Zayn nodded. "So we can tell them today on our interview."

"What.'' I frowned. "Why am I the last persons to know these things." I whined in his chest.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Its fine." I waved it off like it was no bid deal. He looked at me smiling for a moment and I could feel the tension between us.

"Come 'ere." He grabbed my waist and our lips connected. I melted in his chest as I felt the sensation of his lips moving in sync with mine.



"Good Morning America this is..........Good Morning America." Lara Spencer, the interviewer said. That was so cheesy. "Today we are here with the one and only one direction." We all smiled at the camera. Harry was sitting next to Louis, Liam was sitting next to Niall and I was sitting next to Zayn.

"So how is everything going?" She asked.

"We are getting ready for our next album and we will be going on tour very shortly." Liam said. I didn't know that either.

"So can you give us an update on relationships." It started off with Harry which of course was single and it went all they way down to us. Zayn looked at me nodding. "Zayn.''

"Well." Zayn wrapped his arm around me. I couldn't help but smile. "My girlfriend is right next to me.'' Everyone gasped and awed.

Lara smiled as if she was Zayn's girlfriend. Which would be very odd. "So your dating your new member Emma." She asked as if I wasn't there.

I pitched in. "Yes we are together.'' She looked at me not as happy as she was before when she looked at Zayn, but no one seemed to notice.

"Well there you have it guys. As you all "guessed" Zayn and Emma are together. You can all ship Zemma." Zayn and I laughed at the name, but it was cute.

They all chanted kiss kiss kiss. I blushed like crazy, almost every time they said it. Me and Zayn looked at each other. Well here it goes. I leaned in and......................................

AN: HII!!!!!! Im so so so sorry I haven't been writing. Its been like two weeks. School has gotten in the way of every thing lately. I cant even go to book club because of so many things going on. I promise I'll post more. xoxoxoxxo :-)

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