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A/N This probably isn't a 'one-shot' Just kind of my version of Shep becoming a Spectre and Wrex being mean to journalists... Who may or may not be named Khalisah.

Silence fell upon the room, every human, turian, asari, salarian, krogan, quarian, they all stopped and turned their attention to the center of the Citadel towers, where Commander Shepard was being given the honor of first human spectre. Spectres worked above the law, they were the law. Commander Shepard stood proudly before the council, her new turian friend, Garrus Vakarian and her krogan buddy, Wrex stood not far behind her, quietly and respectably.

    Each councilor took their turn, saying what needed to be said. Shepard was the first human spectre, this was humanity's first big leap forward, bigger than the first steps on the moon, humanity was getting somewhere in this galaxy. Finally.

    "Shepard, we grant you the honorable postiton of the first human spectre, this is a big step for humanity and we wish you the best of luck," the asari councilor concluded with a nod of her head. She had white markings around the outskirts of her face, just beyond her eyes and right before her neckline.

    "It's an honor." Shepard gave a slight bow and let out a slow breath. Shepard had grown up on the slums of Earth, no family, starting out with absolutely nothing. She joined the Alliance as soon as she turned eighteen, and even back then she was the rookie. The solider that nobody would talk to, the weak one on the battlefield. Then that changed. She had fought on the Skyllian Blitz, nobody left but her. She had to hold that position until reinforcements arrived, nobody thought she could do it, and later that day she was called a hero. A few months later she had worked her way up the chain of command pretty quickly, taking her own units out onto the field. Then she got the call from Captain Anderson claiming he needed her.

    So there she was, Commander Shepard on Anderson's ship, the Normandy. Heading out to Eden Prime to look at a prothean beacon that could contain powerful technology, and in the wrong hands, could disturb galactic balance. She still remembers meeting Lieutenant Alenko, that Jenkins kid, and that turian Spectre, Nihlus. That mission didn't give Shepard quite a good impression, after Jenkins was shot down literally five minutes into their exploration. Shepard remembers meeting Chief Gunnery Willams on that mission too. She remembered finding Nihlus's body laying at the shipping bay. She remembers finding out that a rogue Spectre, Saren, was planning something horrible, he was looking for the 'conduit', and Shepard knew she needed to stop him.

    So there she was, finally getting her chance. Saren's spectre access had been revoked and Shepard now had the resources she needed, and with her team, she would get it done. All she needed now was a ship and a crew.

    Shepard gave one final salute as she retreated down the set of stairs leading up to the councilors post. Garrus and Wrex close behind.

    "Finally," Garrus enthused as they walked down the stairs. The tired, turian, C-Sec officer had been writing a report to use against Saren, and Shepard needed someone like him. He had been against Saren even before Shepard had known he was bad. Shepard gave him a side glance of the side of her left shoulder.

    "Oh, we're just getting started," Shepard said as she looked forward again.

    Wrex stayed silent, the only thing coming from him was almost inaudible groaning and the heavy thud of his boots on the pavement. Wrex was never one for talking, he just liked to kill things, and Shepard liked it like that. She had enough talkative people on her crew, and she didn't want to upset a krogan by talking to them.

    As they three of them entered the elevator Shepard's omni-tool pinged. She brought up the bright orange arm band that went all the way up to her elbow and brought up her messaging screen. Anderson had just left her a message. Garrus looked absently to the walls of the elevator as it slowly made its descent. Wrex, however eyed her message, she couldn't blame him, krogan we're pushy, and it took more time to actually gain their trust.

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