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A/N This was originally going to be a scene in Insomnia! Then I decided to not use it cause... I don't know... Anyway, sorry for the delay in my Mass Effect story updates, I just haven't been updating as much as I would like too. So, I figured I'd post something already written and such. Enjoy:)

'I don't know if I can do this anymore,' Shepard says as she stares at the drell, her legs crossed on the med-bay bed across from him.

'Do what?' He asks, looking at her with a tilted head.

'This War,' She says plainly, looking away from him.

'Shepard-' Thane begins.

'How am I supposed to win a war like this!' Shepard cuts him off, clearly frustrated.

'Shepard,' Thane says, leaning forward and trying to get her attention.

'Thane,' Shepard continues. 'I don't know how! I mean... I just don't have that-'

Thane grabs her hand and looks into her eyes.

'Shepard,' He says once again, this time making her listen. 'You can do it, I know you can.'

'Then make me believe,' Shepard says with sorrow in her voice. 'Because I don't believe in myself anymore.'

" 'She approaches me with confidence, not scared of who I am or what I do.' Thane says as he slips in solipsism.

'Let's cut to the chase,' She says clearly and direct. 'I need you for a mission.'

My back is turned to her but I can feel her eyes not leave my body.

'Indeed?' I ask. She does not move.

'You're familiar with the Collectors?' She asks, her voice clear.

 I finally turn and meet her vibrant green eyes.

'By reputation,' I answer, now moving away, she still doesn't look away.

I look out the tall window, and can still feel her piercing eyes on me. Not one strand of fear in her body.

'They're abducting human colonists. Freedom's Progess was their handiwork,' She says, getting down to buisness. I still do not turn back.

I bow my head, my hands still folded behind my back.

'I see,' I say simply.

'We're going after them.'

Her response startles me. This was the impossible.

'Attacking the Collectors would mean passing through the Omega 4 Relay. No ship has ever returned from doing so,' I state my opinions, finally turning back now and meeting her eyes again.

'My ship will be the first,' She replies, nothing but confidence in her tone.

I have my doubts, but somehow, I believe her. "

Thane looks back up and Shepard, his hand still in hers.

'I believen you, Siha,' Thane says quietly. 'We all do and we always have.'

Shepard looks into his eyes, tears brimming her own.

'Thank you, Thane,' She manages not to sob and wrapping her arms around him. 'That's just what I needed.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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