Simon Issues Part 1

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Simon Diary Entry

When the Mushroom war took my mom away from me, I was crushed. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, and I was only 6! I was in our little town that we lived in and debris was everywhere. My house was gone; my favorite toy store barely remained. Everything I had grown up knowing was gone. I stood across the street from the toy store and just cried my little heart out. Everything wasn't okay anymore, and neither was I.

Minutes pass and I was still crying. There was this guy though. I had never seen him. He had shaggy white hair and a beard; he also had a crown strapped to his belt loop. He saw me crying and came to me. He wiped my tears away and ran over to the toy store and dug through the toys, seeming to be looking for one in particular. He pulled out this cute little bear that is a vibrant red, at the time, and has really pretty blue buttons for eyes. He walks back over to me and hands me the bear, wiping my tears away again. He has me sit down with him and starts talking to me.


"I feel like I'd be safe in assuming you lost your folks in the mist of the war. Am I right?" He asked concern filling his face.

"Just my mom. My dad is away somewhere." I said sniffling slightly.

"Okay, but are you alone out here taking care of yourself?" I nodded my head confirming I was alone and then the look of pain came to this mans face. He looked really sorry for me.

"Well, my name is Simon Petrikov. How would you like to accompany me in my journey? I'll take care of you." I gave Simon a weak smile.

"I'd like that a lot. Thank you so much!" The tears stopped streaming down my cheeks and the few years I had with Simon began. We started walking to the grocery store that was close by.

"So," he began. "What is your name?" He gave me a brighter smile.

"My name is Marceline." I simply said to Simon clutching my new bear to my chest.

"Okay Marceline, do you mind if I call you Marcy?" I smiled at the thought of a nickname.

"I don't mind at all Simon. I actually really kind of like the nickname Marcy." He gave me another smile and we walked in silence for a little while.

"Hey Simon? I think I know what I'm going to name this bear!"

"And what name would that be Marcy?"

"I'm thinking I really like the name Hambo. What do you think?"

"I think it's perfect." I smiled to myself and held the bear out, looking at its features more closely.

*End of Flashback*

The shade of red was really pretty. I love thatbear so much. I looked down by my side where my picture of him lays, that old,tattered bear. Discolored because I was starving, patched up because theseasons weren't nice to us, and different colored buttons for eyes because theykept getting torn off somehow. I wish I still had the actual Hambo, I'd be holding him right now.   

I continued to read my diary, still in the chapter about Simon. I sure wrote a lot about him. I mean shouldn't I have? He was there for me when I lost my mom. He helped fill the hole that was left in my heart after the war. I owe Simon my life, considering he saved mine uncountable times.


Hey guys!~ Heres another chapter! Im making a second part of Simon Issues, and maybe a third if it starts to get too long. Marcy and Simon sure have been through a lot! Once again, I hope you guys like it! Seeya! ~ :3

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