Simon Issues Part 2

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We were running. Well, more like Simon was running and he was carrying me. The mutant humans were after us. If we got bit, we would have become one of them, and that was less than ideal. We find a safe spot for the moment and Simon feels my forehead because I started coming down with something, a cold maybe? Simon never told me so I guess ill never know.


"Marcy, you're burning up. We need to get you somewhere you can rest."

"Simon I feel fine!" I really didn't but I didn't want Simon spending his time worrying about me.

"How about we try to get you some soup for that tummy of yours? It'll make you feel better."

"Simon, I said I feel fine! I am a little hungry though. I guess I could eat some soup." After resting for a little longer Simon picks me up and starts carrying me. He refused to let me walk because he thought that it would make my sickness worse for me.

We wondered around until we see a food truck. Simon runs over to it and puts me down to get a good look at the truck. We discovered that it is just a Clambulance.

"Marcy, cover your ears." Simon told me, I giggled and did as I was told.

"BLIB BLOB IT MENAMENA GLIB GLOB!" He shouts as he kicks the truck showing his discuss for the Clambulance. He soon found out that that was a mistake; a mutant creature started climbing through the truck coming toward us; that's when the sirens started going off. Not only was there one mutant creature right next to us, but there was soon to be an entire hoard.

Simon grabbed me and started running toward the edge of the bridge that we were on and he jumped. A pink sticky substance caught us and lowered us gently to the ground and Simon sprinted into the town. We wondered around and found a desk type chair and Simon put me in it because his arms were getting tired and began to push me around.

We soon find a store and go inside in hopes to find some soup for us to eat. That was also a mistake. Another mutant creature found its way into the store. The second it heard the bells of the door, it was coming after us. Simon reached for his crown as it grew near.

"Simon please don't."

"I wont unless I absolutely have to." The creature was getting close and Simon grabbed ahold of the crown.

"Simon no!" I screamed, tears beginning to fill my eyes. But he didn't put the crown on, He just smacked the creature with it and it went down.

"Come on Marcy, let's get you some soup." He smiled down at me and pushed me along in the chair. We finally come up to a shelf that has soup and found two cans that were expired. We grabbed them, and some water and left the store.

We found a cave deep in the woods and stayed there for the night. Simon figured the mutant creatures would be too dumb to find there way through the woods and find us in the cave. Turns out he was right. We set up camp and make a little fire. It wasn't quite dark yet but we wanted to cook our soup. We rolled out our sleeping bags and sat by the fire, waiting for the soup to finish up. The bush just outside the cave started to rustle. Simon stood up and went into a battle stance.

"Stand back Marcy." Simon said while reaching for his crown again.

"Simon no!"

"But I have to protect you." He slid the crown on without another word. His nose grew longer and so did his hair. Snow started flowing out of his fingertips and he started floating in the air.

A deer leaped out from behind the bushes and Simon freezes it with the crowns ice power. He stared laughing hysterically and kept freezing things. I scrambled to my feet and looked for something to throw at the crown. I found a decent sized rock and threw it as high and as hard as I could. To my luck, it hit the crown and made it fly off of Simon's head. Simon slowly lowered to the ground and turned to me.

"I did it again didn't I? I lost my cool." Simon said with a sad depressed tone. I nodded tearfully and hugged Simon.

"Promise me you'll never put the crown on again, okay? Promise me Simon!" I started crying into Simon's shirt and he held me.

"Okay Marcy. I promise."

*End of Flashback*

I really wish he had kept to that promise because I ended up losing him too. There is not a single person since the Mushroom War that I didn't loose. Except for my dad, but I'm still mad at him. It feels like I've been alone my entire life. I actually have been for a good 994 years of it. I mean I visit my dad from time to time but all he does is make me feel worthless and always finds a way to piss me off. I'm starting to tired of being alone and hurt all the time. I just want someone who stays for once.


Hey guys!~ This is the second part of Simon Issues. There will not be a third one because i don't feel the need to write a third one. Ive cover most of Marcy's time with Simon in these two parts. Somewhere down the road there will be stuff about the Ice King. It'll be a while though! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!~ :3

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