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So exactly a month later after Kia went to the doctor and found out she was 3 1/2 weeks pregnant, she had hidden this information from Christopher for as long as she could. Things were finally going her way...

Christopher had went to the store to buy some medicine for Kia she covered up the pregnancy by telling Chris that all she had was a stomach virus which caused her to throw up.

She was just hoping he wouldn't find out.

"This is it?" The cashier lady said.

"Yea" Christopher said in a low, raspy voice, he was feeling kinda down about everything & he had completely cut everybody off...including Gypsy the one person he desperately wanted to talk to.
Chris received a phone call from Kia she was just playing the part of a sick girl.

"Hey baby I was just making sure everything was okay" Kia said while trying to sound sick.

"Yea everything ight I'll see you when I get to the crib" Chris said.

Chris had Kia's picture as his screen whenever she called...the cashier just so happened to glance down at the phone.

"Hey is that your sister lovely women she came in here a few weeks ago, said she was throwing up a lot, she came in with some guy he said she was having his baby" the cashier lady stated.

As soon as she said that Christopher felt like everything in the world was in slow motion, and he got this awful feeling right in the pit of his stomach.

His blood was boiling.

Christopher walked out without saying anything...

"Sir...sir! You forgot purchase! Sir...." The cashier lady yelled as she watched Chris walk out...

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