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Warning: This story has some intense content for small children. I suggest that people under 12-13 years of age should not read this story.

                                                                     Chapter One-The Intro

Ian And Anthony. They were best friends since sixth grade. Becoming a sensation on YouTube strengthened their friendship. The guys had  girlfriends, Mel and Dani. Mel, short for Melanie loved Ian. She was perky, carefree, and mischievous. But she would lay down her life for Ian. It was exactly the same for Ian. The two youngsters fit together like two puzzle pieces. 

          Now you are probably asking about Dani and Anthony. Dani, Mel's twin sister, fit Anthony like his favorite sweater, from when he was seven. Anthony considered this relationship to be prison. Why wouldn't he? After all their relationship was nothing more than a deal. Now I know you must be eager to know what happened. Well, lets rewind to August 5th 2005, when Anthony and Dani met.

August 5th 2005:(The gang was 18 at the time.)

Mel was at home getting ready to visit Ian. She put on a plain pink tank top and white shorts. Dani decided to come along to see who this "Ian" was. She put on a blue tee shirt with kirby on it and jeans.

Mel: Dani I'm leaving.

Dani: And so am I!

Mel: What! Why!

Dani: Well I want to see who this "Ian is. No guy has ever stolen your heart like that.

Mel: Shut up Dan.

Dani: Well then let me come!

Mel: Ugh fine!

20 minutes later:

Ian: Hey! What's up.

Ian give Mel a quick kiss on the lips.

Ian: Who is this.

Dani: Hi I'm Daniella. Call me Dani.

Ian: Very nice to meet you.

Dani and Ian shake hands.

Ian:Hey Anthony! Mel and her sis Dani are here!

Anthony walks to the door.

Anthony: Oh hi. 

Dani was lost in Anthony's eyes. She could not stop staring at him. Dani smiled in adoration.

Ian: Let's go inside.

Mel: Sounds great! Come on Dani! 

Dani was still staring at Anthony.

Mel: Uh Dani? Daniella Anne Moat!

Dani: Huh?

Mel: Let's go.

Dani: Oh. 

Dani reddened with embarresment.

Dani: Hey Anthony. Do you wanna, out?

Anthony: I'm sorry Dani, but no.

Dani: Why not?!

Dani started tearing up in disappointment.

Anthony: Look you're great but...

Dani: If you don't go out with me I'll show Melanie this!

Dani took out her phone. It had a picture of Ian kissing another girl. 

Anthony: How did you get that picture?! That girl kissed him he pulled away in like two seconds.

Dani: Well go out with me or else Mel and Ian's relationship will end!!!

Anthony: Fine!!! But I'm only doing this for Ian. Ian loves Mel and I can't let you ruin his life.

And that's why Anthony is in this relationship.

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