Given away

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"If there is anything I can do please don't be afraid to ask".
    "Well Mr. thank you for the offer ,but it was nothing just being a good Samaritan". I push the button for the walking sign to appear, the sign changed just in time I look both ways and ran to the other side. I didn't even look back instead I headed straight home. I see my small house it's affordable with; 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a very small backyard. I live here with my father who is in so much debt from his gambling I'm surprised that were not on the streets yet. I look at my father who looked extremely  worried to me. I didn't know why l, but I was to scared to ask why.
   "Iofiella what took you so long to get home" he grabs a bottle and throws it at my head I ducked and the bottle hit the floor. "You should have been here sooner, I want this house spotless" he passed me a broom and I swept the glass off the floor. I finished the rest of my chores and went straight to my father for new orders. "Okay I want you to stay in your room till I tell you to come out". I went in my room and put my ear close to the door and stayed quiet so I could listen. The front door opened and I could hear my father and another man talking.
"Today is the deadline, it's time for you to pay up". Money? My father probably took a loan, I wonder how much?
"I don't have it, but I'll get it I just need more time"
"It's been over 3 months my boss is becoming impatient and if you don't have money, then you must have something of value". An item of value, I found that sentence very funny because we didn't have anything that would have any value.
"If you have something with enough value my boss might deduce or even take you debt away entirely or give us something as collateral till you can pay us back"
"Collateral?, well i might have something". I could hear foot steps heading in my direction so i scurried away to the only place I could hide; under my bed. I waited till I heard my door being opened. I look to see 2 pair of feet my father who always wore beaten up tennis shoes while the other wore a pair of light brown dress shoes.
"so what item are you putting as collateral?"
"My daughter, she'll only be there for a short time till i have the money to buy her back". My own father is giving me away but as much as I wanted to be angry I couldn't, maybe he had a reason something that I believed would make things easier. I crawled out from under my bed.
"hi". That was the only thing I could think of to say. The man looked at me then stared at my father.
"Your willingly coming with me?" I nod to show I gave my consent. "well follow me" It wasn't so much a command as a small gesture. I followed him to the car as I got to the door I looked at my father, I didn't look at him with hatred or sympathy just utter disappointment. I got in the car, which was rather nice; leather seats, Gps, and cameras on the back of the car for easier reverse driving. I sat in the back of the car and looked out the window which by the way were tinted. I just sat there hoping I didn't just make a huge mistake. We stopped in front of a huge white mansion. We went inside and it was astonishing; wooden floors, a chandelier, and a beautiful white silk curtains. The man in front walked upstairs I was going to follow, but he stopped me. "you have to stay here, sit on the steps till I come back". I waited for awhile I was starting to get bored so I played with my hair, braided it to pass the time. After a long while I heard footsteps from the top of the stairs.

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