7: Devil's Choir

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I watch the shadow bring down it's staff on the screaming girl that was being executed. I ball up my fists in anger as I watch her sputter and bleed to death.

I grit my teeth and let out some of my anger in a loud yell. The guys rush in right as the television turns off and I throw the table into the wall.

"Andy!" Ashley knows to stay away when I'm this mad, but I could tell he wanted to stop me.

I smash each of the chairs individually and then punch the television. It falls off the wall and starts sparking, I punch holes in the wall and then collapse to my knees. Breathing hard and silently letting tears stream down my face.

"It's okay, calm down." The guys surrounded me.

I rocked back and forth, my fingers roughly entangling through my hair.

"He just uses us as toys, he's a tyrant. He kills us off just for show...."

"We know Andy...." Chris hangs his head.

"Why don't you go lay down and cool off?" Jeremy suggests. I nod solemnly and stand.

"Get me some sort of drink and get a funeral put together for our fallen wild ones."


I wait until they bring me a drink, they say it's a fruit drink and I just nod. I change into black sweat pants quickly.

I jump up and grab the drink, walking to Ave's room I knock on the door. She opens it slightly, her hair frazzled, her makeup sliding down her face, she's dressed in sweats.

I hold the drink out and she takes it from me. Slamming the door back in my face.

I sigh and walk back to my room. Pulling on a random black tank top and wiping what I have left of my makeup and war paint off my face.

"Andy." Ashley came into my room. "We gathered everyone for the funeral but Ave won't come out, will you get her on your way over?"

I nod. "Sure thing Ash."

He smiles. "Thanks." And he leaves.

I walk back to Ave's room and open the door. I see broken glass on the floor, she's still crying, but laying motionless in the middle of the floor.

I pick her up, sitting on the bed to gently pull the shards of glass out of her bare arms. She doesn't protest, she just closes her eyes.

I kiss her forehead and she continues to cry.

I carry her into the chapel portion of the underground and listen as Ave stops crying to quietly hum a song, it takes a split second to realize it was the lullaby I sung to her as she slept. I smiled at the thought of it seeping into her dreams.

I set her in the back pew, where she curls up. I walk to the front of the place, standing behind the speaker's block and glancing over the whole crowd before landing my eyes on Ave. She meets eyes with me before looking down.

"Legion of the Black." I start. "Let us take some time to remember the ones we've lost to the cause of F.E.A.R. attempting to make a fool of us. We are not fools, and he won't succeed in making us into ones. What he's done today yet again shows his tyranny. We will not let this continue. We will stand up to F.E.A.R. and honor those who have given their lives to do so. He will not break us. We are Legion, for we are many!"

The crowd cheers and Ave's eyes stay transfixed on the ground. I walk through the crowd of casually dressed Legion members, receiving hugs and pats on the back.

I smile at them and then make my way to Ave. I kneel down below her face so she's looking at me.

"Hey." I say.

"Don't make me be alone...." She whispers.

I nod and pick her up carrying her out of the chapel. And bring her into my room, I set her down on my bed, then shut the door. I lay next to her and she cries into my chest. I felt my heart wrench with the amount of pain she was in.

"This is because of me isn't it?" I ask.

She sobs. "It started with you.... It ended with F.E.A.R." She admits. I lift her face.

"It'll all be alright Avelina." I smile and kiss her forehead. She closes her eyes and snuggles up close to me.

"How do you know?"

"Because whether you hate me or not, I'm going to be here for you."

She sighs. "What's your darkest desire?" She looks into my eyes.

"I'm looking at her." I say. She blushes.


I press my forehead against her's.

"Don't run away in anger." I plead.

"Only if you do something stupid." She smirks a little.

"Is the Ave I know coming back?" I ask playfully, wrapping my arms around her.

"Maybe, you never know." She lets a piece of her hair fall over her eye. I brush it back. "You're really stupid sometimes, you know that right?" She smiles. I laugh.

"Now I do." I smirk.

She rolls her eyes and sits up. "Well I'm supposed to hate you, so I should get back to my room." She makes her way to the door.

"Why? You don't have to hate me, you know."

"I know, but you can get on my nerves sometimes." She walks out and slides the door shut.

"Sometimes." I repeat.

But she's already gone.

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