19: going after him

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Danzou came knocking on the door. Kakashi opens it " is there something of the matter? "

Danzou: you have someone I believe we need.

Kakashi: we?

Danzou: konoha. That woman you're harboring is an important criminal we have to investigate.

Kakashi: hokage-sama approved?

Danzou: hai.

Kakashi: don't lie. You know it doesn't work that way.

Danzou: are you challenging me to a fight? 

Kakashi: surrounding my apartment with anbus is not going to help you.

Hokage: how crowded.

Danzou: hiruzen.

Hokage: oh. Danzou. Do you mind retreating? We don't want to cause this to be a commotion we cannot explain. Do we?

Danzou: I can explain it. Uchiha itachi, the traitor of konoha killed his entire clan and left konoha. Only his wife, uchiha hyuri is alive. What best, is she is inside there. Are you also a partner? Hatake Kakashi.

" you really want my life don't you? Danzou. " Hyuri came to the door.

Kakashi: hyuri!!

Hyuri: kill me under the same crime as itachi? Or capture me and never let me out? For me to choose... Of course I choose death. But for you to even want to kill me that much... Am I that much of a threat to you?

Danzou: it's hard to say. You are his wife. Talented ninja.

Hyuri: I ceased missions a long time ago. With a weak body, I an barely kill an uchiha without dying. Don't tell me I can poison the entire clan, there isn't even such a chance.

Danzou: can't kill an uchiha? You underestimate yourself I think.

Hyuri: ok. Then under what crime are you going to catch me with?

Danzou: tsk. Little girl. Let's leave.

Hokage: looks like you didn't rust at all even after not being a ninja.

Hyuri: heh... I knew he couldn't bring up the accusation of uchihas trying to rebel. Itachi would be able to come back as a hero then.  He wouldn't want his plan to go to waste.

Hokage: what are you planning to do now?

Hyuri:..... Find itachi.

Hokage: I see.

Kakashi: so?

Hyuri: arigato for taking care of me. Baka itachi left me here... He knew you would take care of me. Arigato for being here when he needed you.

Kakashi hugged her " you're going to find him aren't you? "

Hyuri: itachi... Is my everything.

Kakashi: I can't stop you. Can I?

Their hugs separate. She gives Kakashi a soft kiss on the cheek " sayonara nii-san. "

Kakashi: what... You're calling me nii-san now?

Hyuri: my other family. *smiles *

Kakashi: you well know you go find him, you are a criminal already right?

Hyuri: um.

Kakashi: preparing to live until as long as your body can hold up?

Hyuri: um. Sayonara nii-san.

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