30: little hyuri/itachi?

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Hidan: congratulations!!!! It's going to be a little girl isn't it?!!

Hyuri: how would I know.

Kakuzu: be careful from now on.

Hidan: why isn't her tummy big? I thought it's supposed to be once she has the baby.

Kakuzu: it doesn't work like that baka.

Sasori came over " may I touch? " Hyuri nods " um. " Sasori touches her tummy " I hope she grows well. "

Hyuri: she... Sasori wants it to be a girl?

Deidara: sasori- danna. You're being biased. Um. But... It would be great to be a girl.

Hyuri giggles " you're the same. "

Zetsu: guess you have to wait for itachi to come back.

Tobi : cute little baby for our cute hyuri ~~ Neh, shouldn't we give it a name? Like maybe... Scary little hyuri!!!

Hyuri: I'll kill you tobi.

Pein: I guess I'll have to stop your missions for a while then.

Hyuri: it's ok. I can still do then before it gets troublesome.

Konan: you're weak and need a little rest. For you and little hyuri neh~

At this time, itachi's new partner kisame returns " oh. Everyone's gathered here. What's the celebration? "

Deidara: hyuri has little hyuri. Um.

Kisame: that is good news.

Konan: where's itachi?

Kisame: went to get some things done. He said.

Itachi walked into the room and her coughing a bit of blood. He put the small little packet he had brought back down " daijobu? "

" hai. " she blushes a little " the baby just kicked me a little. " His eyes widens " hyuri... You've got it? " She hugs him " hai hai hai. "

Itachi: arigato hyuri.

He squats down and touches her tummy " little hyuri. "

Hyuri: why does everyone want it to be a girl?

Itachi: probably because they like you a lot and want another you. You're nice to everyone.

Hyuri: I want a little itachi.

He puts his head to her tummy " so that it will be like me? "

She reaches out her hand to touch his eye " he will have itachi's eyes. Itachi's sharingan. Remind me of itachi. Itachi's very special sharigan...Just like itachi. "

He takes her hand and puts it by his cheek " I want it to be like you. Kind. Gentle. Understanding. Then someday, she'll be chasing her very own itachi. "

She touches his lips " itachi is very sweet... That's why hyuri can't leave him. " she sits onto the floor and kisses his lips " aishteru itachi. "

Itachi: I know... You always tell me.

A/N ( author's note) :
So??? Little hyuri or little itachi??? Comment!!!

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