A little bit of me after coffee

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(The normal writing and the bold writing are my two battling insane sides and the italics is sane me!)

It was very delicious. And now I am bouncing off the walls.

And people thought I couldn't be more insane.



But....I'm not insane. *^*

But I'm a peanut. Aren't I?
I'm a good peanut. -puppy dog face-
That wasn't me.
-laughs maniacally- I'm going to turn the world into a GIANT PEANUT!!!
Walking talking PEANUT PEOPLE!!!

-blinks once-  I like mangos.
-spots TarwaRedwood - HI TARWA!!! -waves frantically-
PEANUTOPIA!!! Mwahahaha!

This is how you cut up a mango.

-goes into deep detail of mango cutting-

And now, a video, just to make sure you've got everything right.
-everyone groans-

-claps hands frantically- YAAAAAY!!! I HAVE NO MANGOING IDEA WHO THIS GUY IS!! -jumps around everywhere-


But, mangos are yummy. 🍋
Don't listen to her.

Okay guys, let's take this elsewhere. Okay? Good girls. Come on. -ushers them out-

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