I've been Tagged!

17 3 6

Phew! Never thought id be tagged, EVER!

I was tagged by @AryaMiriel I believe!

So, let's start.

Hair colour/length:

My hair is a very dark brown and its current length is up to my hips.

I have no idea if that sentence made any sense. Anyhow!

Eye colour:

My eyes are complicated.

They are hazel on the inside, in the middle green, and on the outside a sea-blue!


I ADORE baking and cooking, too. Reading is life. Writing is my heartbeat. Skateboarding, being insane, -walks off mumbling things and counting on fingers-

 Pet peeves:

People in my class who think they are everything and that they are the best!

Favourite imaginary creature?


And from the latest book I've read, Faerys',too.

Yes, Faery's. Not fairys.

You should read the 'Knife' trilogy! It is SO good! The first book is 'Knife', the second is 'Rebel' and the third is 'Arrow', which I still have yet to read!

Favourite book?

Obviously the Morganville Vampires series!

Sadly I have finished the series. -cries-

Things you are most likely to wake up at midnight craving?

Well, mostly water, but sometimes books. Mostly Morganville.

Strange fact about you?

My country's second language is French...

What's a strange fact anyway? I'm strange all over! =D

Favourite colour?

Definitely black. Even though it is a shade.

How do you feel blood?

I don't mind blood. When blood springs from my skin, I tend not to notice until I actually look at the wound.

OKAY! So, I am going to tag:






Good luck and rock those questions!


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