New Fetish

22 3 0

I have...


Yes. More things for me to fangirl over. Suffer.

Fandom 6:
Death Note.

It. Is. Amazing.

By the way, I've lost ability to come up with titles for my parts. SOOO ANNOYING. It's such a hassle now, just trying to think of a name for the part.

On a more serious note, my library has Volume 1 of Death Note, but not 2 and 3, so it just skips to Volume 4.
Just no.

Anyhoo, story time.

Me: me
M: friend 1
E: friend 2
A: friend 3

So, my friend,M,asked me to hold her glasses for a while while she goes to do something. Bad idea. I got obsessed with them and when she came back for them, I wouldn't give them. She tried taking em say from my face, but I kept moving back. M finally cornered me, And she was about to take the glasses when I said, "Stop. Otherwise, I'll give you a spoiler!"* and just like that, she literally stumbled back 6 steps. Then A said, "Wow. That's....a big threat." (A and E were just watching M and I like a theatre). In the end I felt sorry future and gave in. But the war isn't over.

*:I introduced M to the Morganville Vampires series, and now she's an ultimate fangirl like me. Except, she hasn't finished the series and I have. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO REFRAIN FROM SPOILERS?!

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