Goodbye is never easy...

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A blonde girl stood at the balcony, an orange princess dress adorning her body. She sighed and looked at the dress. Orange isn't her color, and this dress should not be on her. It was made for the princess. The material, though she was already in a really high class family, was a lot more expensive than most of her dresses, belonging to the royal family. She does not deserve to wear this. However, for the sake of the princess,  circumstances have left her no choice.

She heard the door open and close behind her, gentle footsteps following. She didn't need to turn to know who it is. The person approached her and stood next to her on the balcony, gazing at the star filled sky.

"It's going to be the last time in a while that we can see this view, eh?" the girl said, the gentle voice filled with sadness.

Finally, Aria turned to look at the younger girl. Instantly, her eyes were filed with sadness. Her long blond hair was cut short, ending just above her shoulders, and instead of wearing a silky dress and fine jewelry, she was in a simple maid's dress with a heavy brown shawl draped over her shoulders. The shawl covered her head, shadowing her face, hiding her eyes. The makeup was removed from her face, and a bit of dirt was smeared on her cheeks for an added effect. This isn't what a princess should look like

And those 15 year old should have such a broken and defeated look in her eyes.

"IA" Aria snapped black to attention, hearing the nickname the people she holds closest to her her gave to her. "Why?Why would you come up with such a risky plan?"

Aria placed her hand gently on her cousin's face, cupping it, before bringing down her head so their were foreheads touching. She met eyes with One, and smiled sadly. "Because you're my little cousin. It's my job as the older one to protect you. Plus, if you get captured, the Celestia will surely fall. You are more important in this war than I am. However, most importantly, I love you too much to let you get captured. Please just listen to me on this. For my sake and for IO's sake. Take care of him, and let him take care of you too."

Tears filled One's eyes as she cried into Aria's chest, hugging her tightly, as if it would be the last time they would each other again.

And the scary thing is that it might be...


After a few minutes, One finally let go of Aria. Before either can say anything, the door opened for the second time that hour, but this time, a lot more violently. Before she even had time to blink, Aria found herself pinned to the wall by another person with hair the same shade as her's.


Aria winced at the shouting, not used to her brother yelling at her. She looked down, to scared to look at his eyes.

Feeling something drip onto her cheeks, she finally gathered the courage to look up, instantly regretting it. Tears dripped from Arion's eyes, his light hair shadowing his face, which practically screamed defeat.

Aria felt her eyes filling up with tears at the sight. Her strong brother, the overprotective brother, her kind and determined brother, the person who she had looked up her whole life, her backbone, her role model, her older brother. His defeated expression and tears were the two things she cannot stand. And finally, grief of what would happen sank into her as she tackled her brother into a hug, burying her face into his chest and sobbed.

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