First Day of School Part 1

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Bart watch as jaime got change while he got up and stretched his arms.

"Caŕino I got to go. I'll see you later. "

Bart nodded and watch jaime leave in a hurry. Bart sigh and left jaime house and dash to his grandpa house. Once he got there bart saw his grandpa talking to his grandma.

"Oh bart, sweetheart your here good. Go change fast sweety. "

Bart look at his grandma all confused.

"Why grandma?? "

"Oh right I forgot to tell you yesterday. You going to school sweet heart. "

Bart smiled and dash to his room changing his clothes and ran back down in 2 second flat. Iris smiled and kiss barry on the cheek saying bye. Barry pat bart on his head and while saying to him to have fun.

"So, excited to go to school, bart? "

"Ya. I always wonder what it felt like to go to school and all. "

Iris smiled and they pulled up on the school.

"Okay sweet heart let's go to the offices so they can give you your schedule. "

Bart follow behind his grandma while looking around the high school. It was huge and when he went inside there were green lockers going all the way down. They finally made it to the offices and Iris told them bart name and all. They nodded and let them past to meet the principal. Iris smiled when she saw the principal. The principal smile and went to huge iris.

"Iris my good friend what are you doing here? "

"Ohh I'm just here to drop off umm barry cousin first day of school. Mrs. Hope. "

Mrs. Hope look at bart who smile and wave. Mrs. Hope smiled and shook her head she went to her desk and printed some paper out and gave them to bart.

"Here you go sweet heart. These are your classes. You have 7 periods okay. Your first one is P.E. I'll take you there. "

Mrs. Hope and Iris went out of the offices talking to each other and bart was looking through his classes. His first was P.E, second was World geography, third; Math, fourth; Spanish, Fifth; ELA, sixth; science, and seventh; art class.

Bart wave goodbye to his grandma and follow next to Mrs. Hope who smile at bart. She went outside, the school field was huge and bart saw kids running or playing a spots.

"Coach Gonzales, you have a new student his name is , Bart Allen. "

Coach Gonzales look at bart and smile. Bart smile back looking nervous.

"Aahh kid there nothing to be nervous about. I'm you P.E teacher it nice to meet you. "

"Oh no it's a honor to meet you. "

Coach Gonzales laugh while patting bart on the back. Mrs. Hope smiled and left bart to his teacher. Coach Gonzales took bart to his class who were sitting down on the black top talking to each other and laughing.

"Students we have a new student his name is, Bart Allen. I suggest you be nice to him and show him around. "

Bart smiled nervously and look around feeling all eyes on him. The coach told bart to stand next him until they get a number for him. Once the coach finish taking attendance all the kids went to change into their P.E clothes. Bart follow Coach Gonzales to the boys locker room and into his office where he gave bart some P.E clothes and his own locker. Bart thanks the coach and went to change. Everyone was on the track cause today was a race day. All the boys were excited but the girls weren't. Bart smiled widely cause he was going to run and that was his favorite spot. All the boys went on the tracks and bart went there too. Bart could hear some boys laughing and saying some mean stuff about bart and how he's going to lose. When the coach's said go bart did us little bit of his power but not all of it. He was faster than everyboy and even the jocks. Coach Gonzales watches in amazement when bart was almost to the finish line and when he cross it bart didn't even break a sweat. Bart smiled and punch the air.

"Bart you are one fast kid. "

"I know. I was crash coach Gonzales! "

Coach Gonzales smiled and patted bart head who chuckle soon the other boys made it and some where giving bart nasty looks. Soon P.E was over and bart was the last one to come out of the locker rooms. He watch everyone walk to class and bart got nervous again.

"I wish jaime was here. It would be crash. "

Bart heard someone say his name and saw the jocks making fun of his high and how he talks too. Bart fown but walk away going to his class (he thinks) ignoring the jocks. He got lost and sigh until a school police help him to his class. Bart thanks the kind women and went inside his class getting all nervous again. What he didn't know was that someone he knew was there too.

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