~Getting Ready~

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Marcel's POV

"Rachel, I really don't want to go," I say to one of my friends.

"You're going to go and you're going to enjoy yourself," she says as she thrusts the suit she was holding in her hands towards me. I sigh in defeat and walk into my bathroom. I hear her and Delilah high-five each other through the door. I undress until I was standing in my boxers. I don't understand why they want me to go, I've never been to one of these things before. I sigh and slip on the dress pants. I put on the black belt and adjust it to where I would be comfortable but not having my pants on the ground. I then slide on the white dress shirt. I button up the shirt and grab the black tie the girls chose. It had small silver diagonal lines on it. I wrap it around my neck and tie it properly. I then grab the nice black jacket and pull it on. I check myself over in the mirror. If I wore a bag over my head, I would actual look attractive. I slowly open the door and Rachel and Delilah's heads snap up.

"Aw, Marcel, you look so adorable," Rachel says. She then looks at my hair.

"You thinking what I'm thinking," Rachel says and smirks to girlfriend. Rachel and Delilah have been going out since the beginning of junior year. Delilah is mute, so she can't talk. Delilah nods her head and looks at me. Suddenly, Rachel forced me into my computer chair and Delilah ran into my bathroom.

"What on earth are you doing!" I shout to Rachel.

"We're giving you a make over sweetie," she says. Delilah walks back in my room and lays down a lot of hair products. Rachel grabs a spray bottle that was full of water and sprays my hair, that, like usual, had a ton of gel in it. Delilah lays a towel around my shoulder to make sure my suit stays nice and dry. The girls work and work then all of a sudden, they lay down their materials.

"Done!" Rachel shouts. I could feel my hair loose around my head I reached up and my hand came in contact with a soft curl. Delilah holds out a mirror to me and I take it. I look into the mirror and see that I had a mop of curls on top of my head.

"Whoa, I like it," I say and smile, "if only we could do something about my glasses." I look at my glasses in the mirror, I didn't like them. But, for my prescription, they were the only design I could get.

"Well, actually, I talked to your mom and ta-da," Rachel says and holds out a contact lens case. I take it in my hands and unscrew the left side. Holy crap, I actual have my own contacts now!

"How do you put them in," I ask nervously. Rachel takes the case from me.

"Okay, so you take the contact like this, the you pull open your eye and you set the contact on your pupil then finally blink a couple times to get them in position," she explains. I take them contacts back and put them in.

"Whoa, I can actually see," I say and lay my glasses on my desk.

"Duh you dummie, that's what supposed to happen," Rachel states. Delilah and Rachel then stand in front of me.

"Marcel, I seriously would go straight for you, but I wouldn't because you like hot dogs," Rachel says.

"Thanks for the compliment," I say and roll my eyes.

'One final thing', Delilah signs to me. We can communicate to her through sign language. Delilah goes over to her bag and picks up a black object. She then returns to her spot beside Rachel and hands me a box. I slowly open the box and pull out what was inside. In my hands was a black masquerade mask. It had silver around the edges and silver branches acrossed one side.

"Wow, its beautiful thanks," I say.

"Well put it on," Rachel says. I slid the mask over my head and settle the strap under some curls so you couldn't see it.

"Marcel, you look hot," Rachel says and snaps her fingers.

'Our work here is done', Delilah signs.

"Are you guys done getting ready," my mom says and walks into my room.

"Yeah, Del and I just have to put on our masks," Rachel says. I turn around in my swivel chair and face my mother. She gasps and looks me up and down.

"Marcel, you look stunning," my mom says with tears in her eyes.

"Mum, I'm not a girl," I say and stand up. She laughs and walks up to me, giving me hug. I return the hug then turn to the girls.

"We ready," I ask them. They both nod their heads and walk out of my room. I walk out behind them. We walk downstair to where my sister was sitting in the living room.

"Gah, Marcel, you look handsome," she exclaims and runs up to me. She grabs me in a bear hug.

"Thanks Gem, I can't breathe," I tell her. She releases her hold on me and waves with my mom as the girls and I walk out the front door. Once outside, we walk down my drive to Rachel's fancy car.

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