~Plan in Action~ PART 1

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-Rachel's POV-(WHAT? I know right!)

After school, I took Marcel shopping. Delilah couldn't come because she had 'family things'.

"So, we need you to look casual but hot so Louis will fall head over heels for ya," I explain to Marcel, I mean 'Harry'.

"Okay, what about this," Marcel says as he picks up... a sweater vest. -.- Of course.

"Marcel, you're going for the Harry look, not the Marcel look," I say and place my hands on my hips. Marcel's cheeks become red.

"Oh yeah," he says, "I'll let you pick then."

"Wise decision," I say and walk over to a clothing rack. I pick up a simply gray shirt then a blue flannel. I walk over to the pants and pick up a pair of black skinny jeans. I then walk to the shoes and grab white converse.

"Here, go try these on," I say to Marcel, handing him the pile of clothes with the shoes.

"Okay," he says and leaves for the fitting rooms. I walk over to the sunglasses and look at some. I decide on a pair of black RayBans. I make my way over to the fitting rooms with the pair of sunglasses.

"Marcel," I shout. A door opens and out walks Marcel.

"How do I look," he asks me.

"Absolutely amazingly awesome," I say looking over his outfit.

"You think so," he says and looks in the mirror. I nod then hold out the sunglasses.

"Take off your glasses and put these on," I instruct him. He nods and removes him glasses then puts them on top of his clothes. He grabs the sunglasses and slides the on his face.

"Okay, that should do it," I say and smile.

"Can we leave now," Marcel asks me.

"Sure go change," I say to him. He walks back in the fitting room and I go back to the guy section. I pick up a grey shirt that has a pocket on the front, on the pocket was a heart that said 'love'. I also grab another pair of black skinny jeans. I notice a gray beanie, might as well get that too! I walk over to Marcel's fitting room and wait for him to come out.

About 5 minutes later, Marcel walks out with the clothes in his hand.

"What's that," he asks, pointing to the stuff in my hand.

"Just some more clothes," I reply. I grab the clothes out of his hand and walk up to the check out desk. I lay down the clothes.

"That will be £95," the girl says. (A/N: I know nothing about England money.) I hand over the right amount and the lady puts the clothes in a bag.

"Thanks," I say and smile at her. Marcel and I walk out of the store and towards my car.

"Let's head to your house," I suggest and Marcel nods his head. I pull out of the parking lot and take off towards Marcel's house.

Roughly 10 minutes later, I pulled into Marcel's driveway. We get out of the car and Marcel grabs the bag from the backseat. We walk inside and towards the kitchen.

"Hey mum," Marcel says to Anne. She was standing at the stove stirring something.

"Yo momma Anne," I say.

"Hi honey, hello Rachel," she says and she turns around, "what's in the bag?"

"Rachel took me shopping," Marcel says.

"Well that was very kind," she says and smiles at me.

"Ah, it was nothing," I say.

"Well, I'm making dinner, would you like to stay for it Rachel," Anne asks me.

"Sure, you're cooking is the best!" I reply. She smiles then turns back to the stove.

"It'll be ready in about 30 minutes," she says.

"Okay, we'll be up in my room," Marcel says and grab my wrist, pulling me towards his room.

~The Next Day~

I pull up to Marcel's house and honk the horn. Marcel comes running out of his house and towards my car.

"Hi Rachel, hey Delilah," he says as he closes my door. I take off towards school.

"Today's the day," I say and Marcel smiles at me through the rearview mirror.

~First Period~

I walk into first period and see that there is an empty seat next to Louis. I casually walk up to him and sit down next to him.

"Hi Louis," I say and smile at him.

"Oh, hi Rachel," he says. Hm, he looked deep in thought when I came over here. Before I could ask him, the bell rang and Ms. Calder walked up to the board. I know I'm dating Del but Ms. Calder is F.I.N.E. She started writing notes up on the board and I found this was a perfect time to ask Louis. I grab a piece of paper and write on it. Then I slid it across the desk to Louis, he picked it up and read it.

- Louis's POV -

I was taking notes in math when Rachel slid a folded piece of paper towards me.

'Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the park after school, we haven't talked in forever. -R'

It's true, we haven't hung out for like ever. We used to be close friends in 7th grade until she decided to hang out with Marcel.

'Sure, what time and where at the park exactly? -L' I slide the piece of paper back to her. She smiles and write a reply.

'How about 4 at the swings? (: -R'

'Sure! :) -L' I give the piece of paper back to her and then she starts writing notes.

~After School~

- Marcel's POV -

"You ready Marcel," Rachel asks me through the bathroom door. I open the door in response and she walks in. My hair was damp from taking a shower and I was wearing the outfit Rachel picked out for me.

"Okay, come sit in your room and Del and I will style your hair," Rachel explains.

"Okay," I say, grabbing my contact case on my way out of the bathroom. I sit down in my swivel chair and let Rachel and Delilah do their magic.

"Done," Rachel says. I look in the mirror and smile.

"It looks awesome," I says and then put in my contacts.

"Well, now we just need to get you to the park," Rachel says, holding my sunglasses for me. I grab them from her and put them on my face.

We walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs. We walk past the kitchen and my mom stops us.

"Marcel?, is that you," she asks.

"Yeah, its me mom," I say.

"You look so handsome, where are you going," she asks me.

"Just out with Rach and Del," I lie. She nods and turns back to what she was doing.

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